Chapter Ten

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The sea before him was calm but the tides and waves within his mind were erratic and as wild as his heart.

As he sat on the bench, he could not fully and truly see the scene in front of him as the images from two nights ago wreaked havoc on his mind. The cigarette pressed firmly between his lips and the shakiness in his hands as he blankly stared were the only things that showed any sign of life.

In a sense, he felt like he just watched his life flash before his eyes. Everything he had wanted had just been carried away by the ocean in only an instant. The scene was almost too familiar to one from years ago.

Another love, another life: gone.

He couldn’t withstand the ache inside his chest, the way the pain had seared through his heart and lit his being in fear and then rage as he had taken in the fear that had settled on her lovely face as she fell. The way the hair that caressed her cheeks so gently before was instead hiding her bright, green eyes from seeing the face of pure fear and shock that had taken over his own face.

When she fell, he had no time to think. He had lurched forwards himself and tried to grab her hand to no avail.

He watched her fall.

He watched the water swallow her.

He couldn’t think, he couldn’t breathe , and he figured she couldn’t very well either.

The water when it took her in was fierce- angry even. The sea had taken her with no regard for her love for it. The sea always takes, but it never gives.

Such is life.

~ ' ~ ' ~

The bright white that assaulted her eyes did not make Sakura feel any less panicked when she woke up. For a moment, she had thought she had died. All she could see was the white light before her and for a moment, she had accepted it much like she had when the waves pulled her under. There would be little for her to do, but as she thinks more, she couldn’t help but realize that she was not okay with it. Sakura still had so much to live for: school, her parents, her friends, Itachi. She could list at least a million other reasons as to why she wanted, no needed , to live and the loud and erratic beeping of something caused herself to focus and realize that she was looking at a ceiling.

A calm washes over her as she realizes that she isn’t dead, however it is short lived as someone hovers over her. A woman with black hair cut in a neat bob and the most deep and caring black eyes. With the woman so close to her, she panics. She can’t breathe, she can’t breathe .

For a moment, just a moment, she is back in the air and plummeting into the water. Her breathe is long knocked out of her and she feels like she is being drowned. She can’t take it, she fights it and fights against it. Her expressive eyes frantic as she fights against whatever is causing her to sink and drown. She fights until the blue turns to black and the loud, roaring tides turn into gentle and soft whispers.

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