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'RaeRae... He called... He called me RaeRae...' Her heart leaped. She had missed it.. She thought he'd never call her that again. He put the butter knife and fork down and walked around the table. She tensed, scared the trick was coming to an end. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his chest, holding her head against his chest with his hand as gently as he could, keeping her injuries in mind.

She tensed in his arms, her vision filled with flashbacks. Every single thing he had done to her. Every single word he said to her. She remembered the first time he had hit her, beat her.... She hadn't hugged him since that day. She remembered the gentle hugs just like these from before the abuse started.... From years ago. She was shaking. She didn't move, she didn't want to pull away because she missed this. Her heart was hurting so bad she thought it would stop beating. But she was still scared and suspicious. She was still very sure this was all just to hurt her worse and mess with her mind.

Still, she stayed still. Trick or not, she wanted this. Even if it would end eventually. Even if everything would go back to normal. Tears spilled over and she broke down completely. She hugged him back lightly. Eddie just held her as if she was made of the most fragile glass. He felt horrible. His heart shattered at her cries. "I'm so sorry.. I'm so very fucking sorry RaeRae.." His voice broke. He had also started crying as he held her in his arms.

His apology, his tears, Reese wasn't expecting it. Would he go that far to trick her? To hurt her? To mess with her? She didn't care in this moment. She buried her face in his chest as she calmed down, relishing in this moment. Relishing in the memories. Suddenly, he gently pulled away clearing his throat. She already missed the hug, the warmth. 'I knew it wouldn't last long' She thought as she prepared for more abuse.

"Well RaeRae you'd better eat your pancake. You know it don't taste as good cold." He chuckled softly, before rubbing a thumb under her eyes to wipe the tears away. "Then we have to head to school. Like I said, we'll talk after school. Things are going to change." He gently turned her and sat her down. He grabbed the butter knife and fork and quickly cut up her pancakes.

After they ate, he grabbed the plates and put them in the sink. He grabbed his keys and went to the door, where he waited patiently for her to walk outside before he locked the door and walked to the van. Once on the road he turned the music up and smiled at Reese. She hesitantly gave a small smile back. He knew it would take a while for him to gain her trust again. It would take a while for her to get her spark back.

Reese was confused when he passed her school and parked in his spot at his school. She looked over at Eddie. Was he going to make her walk to her school? "Alrighty RaeRae. I'm going to walk you over to your school." He said as he got out and walked around to her door. As Reese got out she looked up at her big brother. She saw a look in his eyes that she hadn't seen in a while. It was love, care, and adoration. His eyes also held reassurance.

Eddie reached down and gently took her hand before shutting the van door. He began walking with her by his side, ignoring the stares they recieved. Across the parking lot sat Steve, Billy, and Robin with the party. They had been dropping the party off before they went to work. Dustin had pointed out Eddie's van. They were all very surprised to see Reese still in the van. Billy smiled at the sight of Eddie being gentle with Reese. "His eyes. Look at his eyes. They're different." Dustin said. "You think Billy's words got to him?" Max asked.

"More like his violence." Steve chuckled. "This is good though. He can change and become a good big brother again and she'll heal. We just have to be there for the both of them. Maybe help him out a bit more. Without violence." Robin said as she glanced at Billy. "We will be there for them. No questions, no hesitation." Billy said. "So.... We aren't pretending she doesn't exist anymore?" Mike asked. "Yeah.." Lucas looked at everyone else with Mike. "Most of us never pretended she didn't exist!" Max snapped.

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