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6 days later was Eddie's birthday. He had officially turned 20yrs old. They all had a huge party for him at the house. The entire party planned his party in secret and surprised him when he got home from work. Jason officially lived with them as well as Daniel and David. The twins kept to themselves at first but soon fully opened up to Reese and the others.

Uncle Wayne was a bit hard to get on the forgiveness train, but he soon gave Jason a chance. After a couple more weeks, everyone had fallen into a new, comfortable, routine. The twins became Reese's best friends. They both vowed to protect her for the rest of their lives. The trio soon stuck to each others sides like super glue. Where you saw one kid, you saw the other two.

The teens in the party suddenly had 3 young kids to babysit during the day. The adults in the party were worried it might be too much for them to handle, but they all worked together and proved they could do it. Soon, summer break was almost over. Eddie pouted a bit on Reeses birthday. It seemed like she was born just yesterday and here she was turning 7yrs old.

Eddie had kept Reese's idea for the dnd session to be every 3 weeks. He juggled that, work, band practice and concerts, and spending time with Reese over summer break. He planned on keeping that schedule throughout the school year despite having already graduated. The principal, with much reluctance, told Eddie he would be allowed to keep his Hellfire room in the school however long he wanted.

School soon started after Reese's birthday, and the twins held true to their promise. Now, a year later, Reese and the twins were starting 3rd grade. They all excelled majorly in school. Eddie was one proud big brother every time he got Reeses report card. She got straight A's in every subject. He was sure she'd graduate on her first try. "Hey Mini Freak!" David shouted from across the cafeteria. Reese looked at him from the lunch line to see Daniel and David both waving her over to their table.

Once she got her tray she walked over and sat down in between them. "What's up guys?" She asked as she took her first bite. "Did you do the math homework? It was too hard for me, I need help. I don't understand what I'm suppose to do at all." Daniel looked at Reese. "Yeah, I'll help you both." Reese answered already knowing that David would need her help too.

Suddenly, there was a tray placed down on the other side of the table. The trio looked up to meet eyes with a pair of brown ones that belonged to a girl in their class. "Hey Reese! David, Daniel." The girl nodded to them all. "I wanted to ask, Reese, did you ask your brother if you could join choir?" Reese shook her head. "Not yet. He's been busy. I'll ask him tonight." The girl nodded. "Daniel? David?" The boys also shook their heads. "No, not yet. We were waiting for Reese to ask Eddie so we could ask Jason at the same time."

"We could really use you guys. You're voices are beautiful. Please ask tonight. Our choir teacher is willing to let you guys join late if your brothers give the ok." The trio nodded to her and she left. "How does the teacher know what our voices sound like again?" Daniel asked confused. "She heard us singing for fun in the hallway remember?" David answered. "Oh, yeah. We sang that one song because we were bored after lunch." Daniel remembered. Reese ate her food silently as the two boys talked amongst each other.

Later that night they each asked their brothers if they could join choir. Eddie and Jason both said yes of course. Eddie, Jason, and everyone else in the party had to start working concerts, choir practices, and Eddie's band practices and concerts into each of their schedules. It was worth it though, because the kids were doing something they loved. Eddie still hoped that Reese would play dnd with him one day when she got older.

"Reese you're gonna be late!" Eddie shouted from downstairs. "I know you don't wanna wear a dress but you have to! I promise it won't be for long!" Jason added. The twins were already dressed and waiting by the door. "Come on Midnight! It's not so bad." Billy shouted up the stairs. After another 5 minutes, Reese came running down the stairs in a beautiful black dress. The color each choir member was suppose to wear was black, which Reese was happy about. She was not happy about the dress part though. She hated dresses.

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