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2 weeks. It'd been 2 weeks. Eddie groaned and laid his head down on the table. He had been trying to eat, but he just had no appetite. It was June 16th. Reese went missing June 2nd. During that time he had gotten to know the Byers and Hoppers a lot better. He had learned that Jonathan and Will kept the Byers name while Joyce and El took Hoppers name. He gained a mom as well. He so longed for Reese to have a mom too.

Uncle Wayne also took Reeses disappearance hard, understandably so. But Eddie was shocked when Uncle Wayne wasn't mad at him. His exact words were "These things happen. What matters is that you immediately handled it correctly. It's not your fault. We will find her."

"Hey..." El sat next to him at the table. She knew how hard this whole situation was for him. "How can Jason and his friends just... Disappear like that..?" Eddie mumbled and sighed. El knew he just needed to vent, but she felt bad. There wasn't a single identifiable thing when she searched for Reese. All she could do was check on Reese and tell Eddie how she was doing. Where ever Jason had Reese, he was really good at hiding their location.

"I'll keep trying.." El said as she stood up. Eddie's hand grabbed ahold of her arm. "Sit and eat. You've been using your abilities so much for me. You're weakening yourself. Straining yourself too hard. We can try again later." El hesitated before nodding and sitting down. Eddie smiled a small, tired smile before getting up and getting her some food.

He had a couple days off from work. That's one of the things that exhausted him. He was expected to work and go about life like everything was fine. Everyone else seemed to be struggling with that as well. No one smiled as often as they use to, and cartoons were playing all the time to try to fill that void even just a little bit. Billy walked in as Eddie sat on the couch, staring at the tv. Billy placed his keys on their hook and sat next to Eddie.

"Anything?" He knew the answer, but he had a bit of hope left. Eddie shook his head. "El tried again this morning. Reese is still in that basement. Still laying on that nasty bed in the same position she has been in the last few days. I didn't think it was possible for her to get smaller than what she was before..." He couldn't continue. Billy knew what he meant.

"Before you stopped abusing her... Are you sure she's still alive...?" He hated asking and dreaded the answer, but he needed to know. "Yeah... She's breathing. It's shallow but she's breathing." Eddie answered. His voice cracked. Suddenly, Steve's voice came from behind them, causing them both to jump. "Apparently we are looking for her at the wrong times. Almost everytime we look she has new bruises."

Eddie rubbed his eyes trying to stop the tears. "Man, I've failed her.." "No. You haven't. You're still trying you're hardest. You participate in every search, put up fliers every day, have me check in on her and see if I can find anything identifiable...." Suddenly El went quiet causing everyone to look up at her. "I want to try something.. If I can see outside of the basement..."

El walked away leaving them all confused before they all scrambled to follow her. Everyone else they passed along the way also followed. Soon, everyone in the party was gathered around El and her static TV. After a few moments, El informed everyone that she saw Reese.

Reese was still laying on that bed, but she was in a different position. Her eyes looked dull, she looked smaller than she was 2 weeks ago. Reese rolled over and slowly sat up. She felt that presence again. She looked around before scooting back, putting her back against the wall and hugging her knees to her chest.

She could hear a faint voice. "Reese, where are you? Reese, can you hear me? Tell me where you are." She thought she was going crazy. She had heard this multiple times in the last couple weeks, but she just thought it was due to how long she'd been down there and how long she'd been without food. This time, she started crying. "I-i don't know..." She answered.

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