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Reese couldn't describe how happy and whole she felt. He said he was proud. She didn't need a present... She was on cloud nine already. Even after the others finally got there, she just couldn't seem to focus. She felt so happy, yet she felt tears pricking at her eyes. Eddie had gotten a little mini throne to sit next to his behind the DM desk. There was also a little couch behind him incase she ever got tired during a session. She hadn't been allowed to use it before, but he had apparently skipped his last period to set everything up for her in the room. He called it "Reese proofing."

She finally tuned into their conversation. "So a dnd session every 2 weeks?" Eddie asked. "Actually, wouldn't it be better to give more time for you to plan? More time to plan, bigger the session can be." Dustin said. "Yeah.. I agree." Said Gareth. "That would give our band more time to practice and play as well." "Yeah, you're right. But once a month seems like... Not enough." Eddie said.

"W-what about... E-every 3 weeks...?" Reeses tiny shy nervous voice was heard. Eddie looked down at her beside him. Everyone's eyes were on her. "That... Sounds great." Mike said. Everyone looked at him. After his little fit in the cafeteria, no one expected him to agree with her. "What? It is a good idea. Some months it would be once a month but every so often we'd get lucky and get to do a session twice in one month. And it's an extra week for planning and playing in your band." "Yeah.. I like it." Lucas spoke up. Everyone started talking, agreeing, at the same time. The room got loud. "Shut up!" The room got quiet again. "First of all..." Eddie looked at Reese. "Good idea." He smiled and winked at Reese. He looked back at the rest of the club. "We have ourselves a plan. I will need suggestions, ideas, throughout the 3 weeks though. Show of hands, who all will still be in the club." Eddie looked around the room.

"Looks like... Everyone. Awesome. Sinclair, will your sister be joining us this summer?" Eddie started writing down everyone's names, making a mental note to get a key to the school doors from the principle so they can get in this summer. "Yeah, she'll be here. She happily accepted your invitation to be an unofficial member." Lucas answered. "Good, I'll keep her character sheet then." Eddie wrote Erica's name on his paper. "Looks like I won't be needing to trash anything. That makes things easier for me. But if you ever can't make it to a campaign or session, please let me know ahead of time and if you can, find a sub. If you can't find a sub, please give me enough time to find a sub myself."

"So when do we tell our results?" Dustin asked. "Now." Eddie smiled. "You go first!" Lucas started chanting. Soon the whole room chanted "You go first!" Everyone was curious if he finally made it on his 3rd attempt. If it really was his year. They really wanted to see him walk across that stage, grab the diploma, flip off the principle, and run like hell out of here. Just like he said he would do.

"Fine fine." Eddie smiled and pulled out his paper. He looked down at it. He had been too nervous to read it earlier. "I..." He spoke. His face went from nervous, to shock, to pure happiness all in 5 seconds. "You what?" Asked Dustin. "What does it say?" Jeff yelled out. Reese looked up at her big brother. She was worried he hadn't passed, but his expression was not one of someone who failed "I passed! I... I'm graduating!" Eddie continued excitedly, the entire room erupted into cheers.

Eddie threw his paper and hugged Reese excitedly. "RaeRae I'm finally graduating!" He said into her shoulder. "I promise I'll never miss a day. I'll take you out to eat, I'll bring you lunch, I'll still be here for you." He told her. He had seen her mind racing before he hugged her. Reese relaxed in his arms at the promise, so he knew he had been right. Reese was happy for him. Her big brother finally made it. "Enough about me. Let's see yours little sister." Eddie pulled away smiling. Reese took out her paper and handed it to Eddie. "Let's see." He looked at the paper. Suddenly he smiled from ear to ear. "Looks like my little sisters going to be a 2nd grader next year!" Eddie announced loudly. The room erupted once again into loud cheers. The rest of the meeting was filled with happiness as each person announced their results. Not one person got held back.

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