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Once they got home, they only carried Reese's clothes and toys inside. They didn't want Eddie to suspect anything. He thought they'd be taking her clothes and toys back to their trailer. "Bags and bags. Not a bag less. I am pleased." Eddie joked sarcastically. "I told you." Steve replied as he sat the bags down on the floor. "Reese said you had somewhere to go? How long you gonna be gone? If you're still gone when Billy gets back, I'll put your food in the fridge." He casually mentioned.

"I might be gone for a couple hours. Gotta wait at the pharmacy for them to recieve and fill her prescription, then swing by the trailer and pick up some stuff and check on things. A couple people wanna meet with me, if you get what I mean." Eddie replied. "In fact, I'll head out now so I can get it all done faster. Reese? Do you wanna come?" He asked as he looked at the young girl already relaxing and watching cartoons on the couch.

Reese looked at him. "No thank you..." She pointed to the TV. "I'm watching this... And I'm waiting for food." She fibbed slowly. She wouldn't be watching cartoons, and she already planned on waiting for Eddie before she ate. Eddie nodded and walked over to her. "Then, I'll see you in a little while ok?" He hugged her and kissed her forehead.

As soon as Eddie was gone, Reese turned the TV off and started helping the others. Billy pulled into the driveway and put the food up in the fridge. Max, Robin, Lucas, Dustin, Mike, Billy, and Steve all pitched in on Eddie's room. Reese helped too, but she was so young and so short that she couldn't do as much as she wanted. She helped with small things, like holding the tacks for them while they hung the posters and putting the new pillows on the bed. She also helped hang the new curtains.

The color theme was black. The posters were for his favorite bands. He was a full blown metalhead. Reese grabbed his bag from her room and went to the closet in his room, which was right beside hers. She started pulling clothes out and putting them up in the closet and dresser. She folded the clothes that went into the dresser. She had learned how to do this when Eddie made her clean their room, which was at least once a month. Soon everyone began to fan out as there was less to do. The ones that left the room began to eat their food already.

Steve and Billy stayed in the room and finished up what was left to do. They hung a sign on the outside of the door that said "Eddie's room." then Billy brought in an Amp and Guitar that Steve just bought him, per Reeses request. Since each and every person that lived there had a TV and vcr in their rooms, Steve also set up a TV and vcr in Eddie's room. Robin finished up the decorations on the door and went to eat. Billy and Steve left as well to eat. Max had already eaten and came back in to help Reese.

"So, you doing ok?" Max asked as she hung his shirts in the closet, since Reese couldn't really reach. "Y-yeah.." Reese started, but when she looked up at Max she saw a knowing look. She sighed and looked down. "Yeah... I-I'm just... Worried." Max finished hanging the shirts and started fixing little things that were still out of place in the room. The room was definitely giving off major Eddie vibes. It was a bit empty, but Reese had a feeling it would get more full over time the more they spend the night here.

"I get that. I know what you're going through. You can talk to me you know." Max said as she looked around. She sat down on the bed feeling assured that everything was perfect in the room. "Y-yeah..." Reese finished with the dresser. She dug into her brother's bag more and found places for the last remaining items in his bag. "You're worried that if you open up, he'll change his mind and hurt you again." Max jumped straight to the point when she noticed Reese wasn't going to. Reese looked up at her silently.

"You know Billy and I had a rough start in our sibling relationship." Max started and Reese nodded, so Max continued. "Billy was very cruel to me from the moment his dad married my mom. When he decided to fix things, I was very skeptical. I was very cautious. I didn't believe him. I thought it was a cruel trick. It took so long for him to fix the damage he'd done. It took so long for me to trust him again." Reese just stared at her, listening. So she really did know how Reese felt. That made Reese feel not so alone in this dilemma.

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