Chapter Fifty-One: A Different Person

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A few days later. Peter and Ned are walking home after school. Peter is lost in thought. He's trying to get rid of Bed so he can swing by his dealer's house. He's starting to get really anxious. All he thinks is that once he gets more drugs, it will help him.

Ned: Hello Peter? I asked if you wanted to come over and build Legos like old times. We haven't done that in so long.

Peter looks at Ned. Ned looks at Peter. Their friendship has been a little rocky lately. They haven't been hanging as much as they used to. They barely even talk as well. Peter is so preoccupied that he forgot to make time for his best friend.

Peter: I... uhh... I... I actually can't. I have something very important I need to do and it can't wait. Sorry Ned maybe another time.

Ned: Peter we don't even hang out anymore. What have you been doing? It's like you are a whole different person. It's like you don't care about anything anymore.

Peter: leave it alone Ned.

Ned is shocked that Peter is being like this. There is obviously something going on with Peter. Ned hopes he can find out and help Peter. But if Peter continues, Ned doesn't know if he can stick around for Peter.

Peter: Look, I'm sorry for snapping at you. I've been on edge lately.

Ned: Well, if you want to talk about it, you know where to find me.

Peter: yeah. Yeah. I got to go, Ned. I'll see you soon.

Ned: bye. Text me if you change your mind about hanging. I'll see you around.

Peter: yeah. I'll text you.

Before they depart from each other, they do their handshake. Peter then walks away from Ned. Ned watches Peter walk away and walks home alone.

Peter heads to his dealer's house before the drugs he took this morning wears off and he gets sick.

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