Chapter 2

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Hello one and all and its finally time for my return once again... Anyway, thank you for everyone being patient with me which I really appreciate. So, without further ado I hope you enjoy this chapter.


(Y/N) and Rouge headed towards the exit of the transport, while several more ships landed behind them, dropping off even more students. They both stepped forward but not before being pushed to the side by a blond-haired student wearing armour, who rushes towards the nearest trash can, hunching over it as he decides to lose his lunch.

Rouge: "Seems like not everyone enjoyed the ride."

(Y/N) (L/N): "Let's just get moving. We should head straight to Ozpin's office."

Rouge nodded her head as they both continue forward. Alongside several other students, they walked further out of the ship and headed straight down the paved path to the front of Beacon Acadamy.

Rouge: "Now that's impressive."

(Y/N) (L/N): "It sure is something I guess."

(Y/N) and Rouge kept walking closer and closer to the academy.

Rouge: "Now where do you expect to find the headmasters office."

(Y/N) stopped in his tracks as he looked up towards the huge tower connected to the school.

(Y/N) (L/N): "I'm guessing up there."

Rouge stopped just Infront of (Y/N), then by following his gaze up towards the same tower.

Rouge: "Guess you're right. Well ready for a climb I guess."

(Y/N) just nodded his head but before the two could even move, an explosion of flames, snowflakes, and electricity suddenly erupts near them. (Y/N) and Rouge turned to face each other puzzled about what happened.

Rouge: "I'll let you go and see what happened."

(Y/N) (L/N): "Ok...Hang on a minute why me?"

Rouge: "Well someone's got to tell Ozpin we are here."

(Y/N) (L/N): -Sigh- "Fine."

With that they both went their separate ways, Rouge heading towards the giant tower while (Y/N) headed towards the remains of that explosion. After a few moments he spotted two people standing in the middle of the courtyard, both however was already familiar to him. One of them was Ruby Rose while the other was someone known as Weiss Schnee. She wears a thigh-length strapless dress with a faint colour gradation from white to pale blue at the hem. A small piece of black lace sits in the front of her neckline and the hem of the dress is scalloped and stitched to resemble snowflakes, with layers of white tulle under the skirt. Over this, she wears a bell-sleeved bolero with the same colour gradation as her dress from shoulder to wrist, lined in red and with a ruffled collar. On the back of the bolero is the Schnee Crest. She also wears a small apple pendant on a silver chain and thin, rectangular silver earrings. Her boots are white, wedged heeled, and higher at the back than the front. They have a small silver decoration across the top of the foot and are lined in red. A thin white sash is tied around her waist with a pouch attached to the back. Her name was Weiss Schnee someone who was too familiar to (Y/N).

 Her name was Weiss Schnee someone who was too familiar to (Y/N)

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