Chapter 4

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(Welcome one and all. So if you are not already aware this is going to be the final chapter for a bit while I focus on collage to do a exam slowly approaching. Nonetheless hope you enjoy this chapter)


The day of Beacon's initiation finally arrives with (Y/N) wearily opening his eye's on the ceiling of the auditorium. Slowly he starts lifting his body up as (Y/N) sighs, as he remembers the events leading up to now. He looked next to him as he noticed that Rouge was still asleep until suddenly a girl with ginger hair popped into their view.

???: "Wake up, lazy butt!"

The amount of noise coming from the girl was unbelievable as it caused a groan to escape from Rouge's lips as she started to wake up from her sleep. He turned back to look towards the ginger girl as he noticed another boy getting up with a groan as the ginger girl begins jumping up and down with what seemed to be joy.

???: (Singing) "It's morning! It's morning! "It's morning! It's morning!"

Rouge: (Groans and rubs her forehead) "There is no way someone can be so happy in the morning."

(Y/N) once again just sighs as both him and rouge got up from their sleeping spots and began to pack away their belongings. They both proceeded off to get changed out of their pyjamas and back into their regular cloths before heading to the dining hall to get something to eat.

When they approached the dining room they noticed how large and formal it was, running down the length of a cloister-like hall. The dining hall features four long tables running the length of the hall with benches to either side and walking areas located in between. It allowed enough space for students to sit not only with their teams, but other groups as well. Just like all parts of the academy buildings, the dining hall is somewhat gothic in appearance. They noticed that the place wasn't pact with a lot of students probably due to the fact it was early in the day.

They both grabbed some breakfast as they then headed to a nearby empty table. However, before they could dig into their meal their attention was drawn back to the entrance of the dining room as a familiar voice was heard coming down the halls.

???: "I can't believe we've been at Beacon for a full twenty-four hours! Not that I thought we'd get kicked out or anything, I mean, you're the perfect student and I'm...Well, I'm me! But it's crazy, you know?"

Coming through the door way was the same ginger haired girl who was being accompanied by the same boy who woke up due the the loudness coming from the hyper active girl. Just like (Y/N) and Rouge they both grabbed breakfast, the boy's being a simple meal while the ginger girl carried stacks and stacks of pancakes all piled on top of each other. While they looked around for a place to sit the ginger girl noticed both (Y/N) and Rouge.

???: "Let's sit with them!"

Before the boy could say another word, she rushed towards them both while sitting herself down next to Rouge startling them both.

???: "I apologies for my friends rudeness, please forgive her. Nora can be quite... adventurous at times."

Rouge: (Chuckles a little) "Nah, it's fine. Anyway, I'm Rouge and the quiet yet mysterious person in front of me is (Y/N)."

(Y/N) (L/N): "Are you always going to introduce my like some sort of presenter."

Rouge: "Well if you were planning to make friends rather then enemies, I wont need to help you being social."

(Y/N) (L/N): "Hmph..."

Rouge: "Their he goes being Mr. Grumpy again."

???: "Seems like you both know each other very well...Oh where are my manners I'm Ren and you already met Nora."

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