Chapter 50

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I yanked a drawer open, pulling out my brass knuckles. I slipped it on as I made my way to the kitchen, where I knew the traitor was.

I drew the attention of everyone in the kitchen when I walked in, and the traitor had the guts to look at me like he was concerned.

I curled my hand around the brass knuckles, yanking him out of the seat.


I cracked my fist down on his jaw before he could get another word out. "What the fuck did you do?"

"I don't understand."

"Wrong fucking answer." I dealt another punch to his face, the metal splitting his bottom lip. "I'll ask you again. What the fuck did you do?"

"Niko..." The rest of Matteo's words died in his throat when my eyes met his.

"Your first mistake was fucking me over." Punch. "Your second mistake was sticking around after the shit you did." Punch. "And your last fucking mistake was dragging my wife into this bullshit. That piece of shit could rape her while she's with him."

The Ferrari men weren't exactly known for keeping it in their pants - willing or not. That could have happened to Giselle, even though she kept reassuring me she was okay.

I blacked out after that, packing all my frustration and anger behind every punch until someone pulled me off him.

"We need him alive, idiota," Evander hissed in my ear, holding me back. "He's useless to us if he dies. Don't you want Giselle back?"

My anger melted after that. Giselle's life and safety came first - even before my raging need to end this pathetic fuck's life. He laid on the floor, barely moving, his face a bloody mess.

"Why don't you go take a shower while we ask him a few questions?" Matteo suggested. "Leave the shirt down here."

I looked down at my white shirt, and I realized it was covered in blood. I nodded stiffly. "You have ten minutes to get everything you need from him, or I'm coming back here to get the answers myself, and none of my methods include talking."

"Hear that, big boy?" Evander crouched down in front of the whimpering guard. "You got the boss all riled up. I'll be more than happy to hand him the things he needs to cut your dick off."

"Go," Matteo said, jerking his head at the door. "For Giselle."

"Ten minutes," I reminded them before leaving them in the kitchen to shower and change as they suggested.

On my way to the kitchen, I grabbed my phone from my office. I still had my brass knuckles with me, just in case I needed to pound the bastard's face again. I found them gathered around Adriano when I got to the kitchen. The guard was nowhere to be found.

"What's the update?" I asked.

"Adriano has made some progress with getting into their cameras. They have high-tech security, so it's hard to intercept it. We got their guard shift from the guard. They're usually lax with patrol around eleven, but their tech guys stay up watching the cameras all night. They take turns, too," Matteo explained.

"What I'm hearing is we can get her tonight?" I asked with a pointed look at Adriano.

"If I can override their security system, maybe, but the tech guys are the problem. The guard said they were good. If they take shifts, one of them is bound to find out I hacked into their system."

"Ronnie will help with that. She can drug them under the pretense of getting them coffee."

He nodded. "If that works, then yeah, we can get her tonight. I won't even need to get into their cameras."

I whipped out my phone, relaying the new development to Ronnie. "They'll get you out of there, Ronnie. I promise. After everything ends, I'll get you and your children out of here."

"Of course, Mr. Rossi. I'll see what I can do about that. I'll have to sneak into Mr. Ferrari's office to get the sedative. He has a stash there."

She hung up after that.

"She's on it."

"Want some whiskey?" Evander offered, sliding a tumbler across the counter. I caught it before it could fall to the floor, throwing back the amber liquid, the welcomed burn searing my throat.

"We'll get her back, Niko. We can always fall back on our original plan if this doesn't work," Matteo said.

I shook my head. "This has to work. We haven't openly discussed risks, but we both know the risks are higher if we go with our original plan. I want to deal with as little bloodshed on our side as possible. Hell, Giselle could get caught in the crossfire even after meticulous planning."

The kitchen fell silent as we all waited for Ronnie's call, which didn't come until fifteen minutes passed.

"They all drank the coffee. We have ten minutes or so until it kicks in, and the effects last until the morning. At least it did with Eduardo. He had difficulty sleeping, so he used that."

"We're on our way. Stick close to Giselle's door."

Barely two seconds after I got off the phone with Ronnie, I got another call, this one from Niles fucking Galanis.

"Rossi. It's time."

Fuck me.



I jolted out of bed when I heard a knock on the door, but my fear was quickly soothed when I heard the voice of the woman who handed me the phone. She unlocked the door, and she stepped into the room with a wide-eyed look.

"We have to leave. They're here."

"Who's here?"

"Your husband's men. They're here. They killed some guards, and we have to leave before they send for backup."

Nicholas was here? I got off the bed. "Let's go."

I followed her out of the room and down the quiet hallway into an elevator. The ride only lasted for a few seconds, and when the doors opened, the first thing I saw was the barrel of a gun pointing at us.

"Giselle." Evander lowered his gun. "Come with me. I caught a guard calling for backup before I shot him dead. There's not much time left."

I nodded, allowing him to lead us out of the house with him acting as a human shield for us.

He draped his free arm around my shoulders when we successfully got out of the house. "Adriano got the gate open. Close your eyes if you don't want the sight of splattered brain permanently etched into your memory."

He didn't need to tell me twice. I closed my eyes, following his lead to the gate.

"All clear now. Ronnie, you're with Adriano and Matteo. They'll stop by on the way to grab your kids, and they'll take things from there."

"Thank you. Tell Nicholas I said thank you," she whimpered, tears pooling in her eyes.

I couldn't resist the urge to pull her into my arms. "Thanks for helping, even when you knew your life was on the line."

"It's nothing. You're innocent."

"Enough time for goodbyes," Matteo said out of nowhere. "We have to get the fuck out of here. Evander, take Giselle and make sure she's safe."

I took a step back from the woman I just learned was named Ronnie, sliding into the backseat of the open car. Evander got into the driver's seat, and off we went.

When there was enough distance between us and the house, I found the courage to ask, "Where's Nicholas?"

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