Chapter 71

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The last thing I expected when I woke up this morning was to hear Gianna and Cara arguing in the kitchen.

"You're not fooling anybody. I'll tell her," Cara snapped, animosity clear in her voice.

"We both know you won't do that, so how about you stop bluffing?" Gianna's taunting voice came next.

"Dare me, and..."

"What seems to be the problem early this morning?" I asked, making my presence known in the kitchen.

"Problem?" Gianna laughed, waving me off. "We were just talking. Right, Cara?" She asked, bringing her cup of coffee to her lips.

"Right," Cara bit out harshly, her hatred for Gianna clear in her eyes.

What was going on between these two? Gianna was seven years older than Cara, so they didn't interact much while growing up. There were never raised voices between them, and Cara certainly didn't look at Gianna like she wished her entire existence perished.

"Cara, can I talk to you outside for a bit?" I asked, already walking out of the kitchen.

There was something Cara was hiding from me, and I had to know what it was.

"What's wrong?" I asked when we were a safe distance away from the kitchen. "You've never talked to her like that in the past. Is there something you're hiding from me?"

"I don't trust her."

I sighed, crossing my arms in front of my chest. It was too early for this. "Nicholas said the same thing. Why is that?"

"Where has she been all these years? How did she survive the accident? Why didn't she come back sooner? How did she come about giving birth to that boy? These are all questions you should ask her."

"And I will. I will get to that. I'm holding off on it because she just returned last night. Let her ease into things. She doesn't look like the last couple of years have been kind to her. At least show some sympathy?"

"I want to sympathize with her. I really do, but I fear she might not deserve it. You had to go through torture because of her supposed death, and now, she just waltzes in here without knowing all you've been through because of her. Forgive me if I'm not willing to open up to her or forgive her."

"It's not her fault. It was an accident. No one is to be blamed. I get that you care about me, but we have to head her story, too. We can't just kick her out without doing that. Especially for the sake of her child."

Cara sniffled, taking my hand in hers. "I know you, Elle. You're kind to a fault, but promise me you won't sacrifice your happiness because of her. She's not worth it. Put yourself first."

"I will. I promise I won't jeopardize my happiness. For the first time in twenty-four years, I'm genuinely happy and content. Plus, it's okay to be a little selfish."

She beamed at me, brushing away the few tears that slipped out of her eyes. "I taught you well. I'm having a proud auntie moment right now."

I tucked a stray lock behind her ear with a smile. "Enjoy it. Where's Kingston?"

"He's still asleep. He has chronic insomnia from the trauma he suffered as a child in his father's hands, and on some rare occasions like this, he sleeps longer than just a few hours."

"Oh, no. I hope he's better now."

"He's... getting there. I just wished I could help him."

I squeezed her shoulder gently. "He'll be fine. Stay positive."

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