Chapter Four

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The line rang and rang. You paced by your bedroom desk. The new phone cord restricted your range to three steps in any direction. Pulling out a notepad, you wrote 'longer phone cord.'

"Dammit, Eddie."

The line clicked as someone answered on the other end. You straighten, hoping it wasn't his uncle with bad news.



"This is the second time I've called, butthead. Where were you?"

With a smile in his voice, he said, "I stopped to take a leak."

"You scared the shit outta me."

"My apologies, milady."

"Don't 'milady' me, sir. I thought you were dying in a ditch."

"Nah, just peeing in one."

You laughed despite your fading worry and sat in the desk chair, bending to unlace your Docs.

"You don't deserve my mixtape now."

"I don't? Don't you want to civilize me?"

"My music's hardly for the civilized."

He hummed, and it almost sounded like a purr. You froze, and your stomach swooped. You imagined him making that noise as you smoothed back his unruly hair to suck on his neck.

The tinny scratch of a lighter and the crackle of burning tobacco filled the silence. You wanted a cigarette, too, but it wouldn't help.

"You've spoiled me," he said. "My cigs taste like shit now."

"Then buy better cigs."

"Or I can keep bumming from you."

"That'll cost you."

"Yeah? What's the toll?"

You wanted to say kisses. Make-out sessions. Orgasms. But what if he laughed? Blew it off? Made a joke of it? Then you'd have to roll with it and laugh and say you were only kidding. No, of course, I wouldn't extort affection from you!

You hummed in thought. "I'll get back to you on that."

"You're making me worried over here."

"Serves you right."

"Were you really that worried?"


"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I really had to go."

You sighed, the endearment softening your resolve. "I believe you. It's just this town. It feels..."

You shrugged a shoulder.

"Yeah, I know," said Eddie. "But I'm fine. Just hungry."

"Well, eat something."

"But I'm talking to you."

"Then I'll let you go."

"No. No, don't..." A faucet gurgled, then silenced. "I'll drink some water."

It was quiet as he drank.

"Eddie?" you asked.


"Did you have a good time at the party?"

"Meh." He exhaled. "It got better when you showed up."

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