Chapter Six

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You swayed with Eddie down the street. He stopped you at every corner to kiss — each like a star in the black sky. His skin gleamed in the streetlight. His warm lips sealed unknown promises against yours.

He laughed with you as you both hopped from sidewalk to roadway. Hand in hand, you walked, bumping shoulders and sharing looks. A crisp, lake-scented breeze embraced you. The city was yours, with its plastic ghosts and rotting pumpkins. The world was yours, with its beauty and pain.

The motel was yours, too, with its curtained windows and busted blacktop.

Eddie nuzzled your neck as you struggled to unlock the room door. He gripped your waist as you angled your head to the side for more. Your mind went blurry, your grip on the key loosened.

He whispered, "Smell so good."

"Eddie, please."

You couldn't concentrate.

He purred. "Say that again."

"Please, Eddie, let's get inside."

He held your hips, fingers digging into your hipbones. He softly mouthed at your neck. A powerful shiver trembled down your body, goosebumps rose over your arms. You couldn't keep your eyes open.

"Open the door, baby."

You smiled.

"Then quit distracting me."

"I'm distracting you?" he asked. "I can't think of anything but you."

He eased his hold and rested his chin on your shoulder. His sheltering warmth spread across your back. You breathed deep, forced the key into the lock, and turned the knob.

Inside was cozy and dark, smelling of soap. You didn't get long to appreciate it. Eddie wrapped his arms around your waist, knocked the door closed, and marched you to the table. He didn't even give you time to turn on a light.

As you opened your mouth to ask what he was doing, he spun and pulled you close. The table edge dug into the backs of your thighs. You laced your hands into his damp hair to urge him to kiss you again. You couldn't get enough of him, the way his swollen lips felt against yours, the assertive way he kissed your mouth open. His belt buckle dug into your stomach, making you hyperaware of his lean frame.

His hands snaked up your torso until his thumbs brushed the undersides of your breasts. Your nipples pebbled and dragged against the sleek lining of your bra. You arched into it with a little encouraging sound. He grunted, then sucked on your bottom lip. Both sensations had your eyes rolling back and cunt clenching.

"Wanna make you feel good," he said against your lips.

You put a hand on his cheek, stroking his cheekbone with your thumb.

"You are."

Because he did. His heat, his breath, his skin, his touch. Fuck, his touch. He left bright afterimages on your skin. Soon enough, you'd be nothing but a reflection of his affection. You'd gladly be that if he kept touching you.

You kissed him once more. This time you nipped and invaded and tasted. His tongue moved with yours, and you drew it out to suck on it.

He groaned and palmed your ass. He rocked you against him, the hot mound of his erection pressed into your belly. You moaned deep in your chest at the feel of it, lost in the thought of him wanting you. How would it feel? To be naked, skin on skin, with him? Breath mingling, sweaty skin sliding, the stretch of his cock.

You broke the kiss to get some air and shrug off your jacket. He took your lead and tossed his jacket away. It landed somewhere with a heavy crumple of leather.

Through A Glass Darkly | Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now