Chapter Seventeen

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The school's basketball team had been gunning for a state championship, and no one would shut up about it. Banners exclaiming Go Hawkins! hung in the hallways. Go Tigers Go had been written on the main office's windows in orange and green chalk markers.

During lunch, jocks whooped like howler monkeys. Their chirping sneakers and laughter pierced the hush of the library. Despite teachers issuing lukewarm warnings, a few even dared to dribble a basketball in the hallway.

On Wednesday, Eddie shared an exasperated look with you while O'Donnell assured two jocks the next test wouldn't be until after spring break. The jocks high-fived each other.

At that point, you'd wanted them to lose just so they would pipe down.

However, they didn't.

The radio DJ announced the Tigers had won against Christian Academy last night. You groaned as you turned the car onto the ramp leading to the school's parking lot. Students swarmed from buses and cars. Teachers directed them to the gym.

That meant another pep rally - which no. Hell no. You'd been dragged to one last week during Western Lit - and that had been enough pep for the school year.

You claimed a parking spot at the side of the building. That afforded you options, whether that was smoking a couple of Djarums at Eddie's picnic table or hiding in the bathroom. You checked your purse to find you'd forgotten the cigarettes, your lighter, and your watch.


Hiding in the bathroom, it was.

Grabbing your purse and backpack, you locked your car before heading inside. Fortunately, the halls on this side of the building were deserted - and your locker wasn't far. The marching band's bright music echoed through the building as you unloaded the backpack's contents in your locker.

Male voices laughed from a nearby junction. You glanced their way, seeing first the Hellfire t-shirt, then Jeff's familiar face. You turned to your locker with the hope its door would hide enough of you.
With another peek around the door, your gaze snagged on Eddie. He hung back from the group, watching you. Swaying above him was a banner that said ALL THE WAY - TIGERS 86.

Yeah, all the way. You'd gone all the way, alright.

Your hands trembled as you grabbed what you'd need for your first two classes and closed the locker. Dammit, you shouldn't be so shaken. It was only Eddie, who distracted you and made you laugh and nearly broke your heart. Your stomach swooped when you noticed the way the t-shirt clung to his torso. You'd held onto those shoulders, clawed at that back, and kissed down that chest. His jeans hugged his thighs, too. You'd been between those thighs-

You wanted him too much. You needed to retreat.

Fuckity fuck-

No, you couldn't think about that: the act or his cock.

He said your name as you scurried in the opposite direction. Your long skirt flapped around your ankles. You almost hiked it to get away faster. His rapid footsteps gained on you by the second.

A short connector-hallway was on your left. You darted into it, heart in your throat. There was a ladies' bathroom on the right. If you moved quick enough, you'd disappear, and he'd never be the wiser.

You rushed to the bathroom door, swung inside, and shoved the heavy door to the jamb.

You could lock it, just in case, but the noise. He'd hear the click and know you were inside. You backed from the door and around the tiled barrier.

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