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It's been 2 weeks and the police still haven't found Doyoung. Still no lead or even an idea on who kidnapped him. "2 WEEKS AND HE'S STILL NOT HERE. ARE YOU EVEN DOING YOUR JOB!! Bring my baby back....please", Doyoung's Mother burst into tears when the police gave them an update on the situation.

Nct 127 on the other hand were getting busier and busier as the day passed by, with Mark and Haechan promoting in Nct dream, Yuta and Taeyong in their magazine photoshoots, Johnny and Jaehyun shooting for a new JCC content, Jungwoo being an MC in Music core and Taeil who's about to release his solo ost after 6 years. Apart from that, they're also practicing for their concert in Japan that is going to happen in May with or without Doyoung. All of them wants this concert to be cancelled because they're not complete but that won't be possible, fans waited years for this concert, the venues were hard to book and the other stuff were already prepared so cancelling this will cause a huge loss.

Everyday they would ask their manager if the police already found Doyoung and every time the answers were always the same "no". They wanted to find Doyoung themselves but of course they couldn't. The days they spent without Doyoung is torturing, they're showering in guilt for how they treated him. They only want one thing, and that is for Doyoung to safely return back to them.

After the outburst that day, Kun have not talk to any of the Nct 127 members. They understand what Kun is feeling because they too are mad at themselves for the stupidity that they did. 'If only I knew' was what they tell themselves every day. If only they could turn back the time, back to when everything wasn't like this. Those times when they were happy and Doyoung would shower them with his love but that's impossible now.




Weeks turns to a month yet there's still no sign of Doyoung anywhere. It's like he just vanished into thin air. Their concert is approaching and fans are starting to question the current situation, with Doyoung on hiatus despite having a concert soon. Some fans are speculating that there's something suspicious with everything that is happening and started to call out SM because they might be doing something fishy again. But that's just speculations, SM didn't response to any of what they were accusing them. They stayed silent, everyone stayed silent.

Whenever the members were doing live in Instagram, they would often see comments asking Doyoung's whereabout and how he is doing. Every time they see those, they would feel a sudden pain in their chest. Is it because of guilt? They'll just pretend they didn't see it and carry on with the live, with a forced smile plastered on their faces.

These past few weeks, Nct 127 hasn't had any day off as their schedule was packed and had no time for rest. They're exhausted both mentally and physically especially Mark and Haechan. They envied Jihoon, who is Doyoung's closest friend right now, as he was able to help the police to find Doyoung while they couldn't. The said guy was very hostile towards them when they met him for the first time 'he knew what we did' was what they thought. Jihoon wouldn't even talk to them and would only approach their manager to share informations about Doyoung.




So far they knew that this isn't just a random kidnapping case but a planned one. With how they targeted Doyoung in a deserted area, to how they managed to avoid all of the cctv. The unknown calls and messages from Doyoung's phone were also suspicious so they tracked those down, and only found out that they were from saesangs and haters except for one.



I'm coming for you

You need to disappear

I see your having fun with that new little friend of yours

I will make sure I'll destroy that disgusting smile of yours


I'm going to f*cking make you mute with my own 2 hands so I won't be able to hear that horrendous voice of yours


Good luck.

At first they thought it was just a hate message from their saesang but when they tried to track the number down......it was from a burner phone. And that's when they knew that whoever sent those messages, is the person behind Doyoung's disappearance.

There was something strange with the cctv footage as well. At first they could see Doyoung struggling when the men forcefully held his hands but he suddenly stopped moving. He let them dragged him to their car. It's like he........gave up? But "why" is what they don't understand.




While this kidnapping case of Doyoung is still ongoing, his magazine cover in GQ already came out. He look stunning as ever and everyone is praising him but the said person isn't there to witness all of that. As soon as it came out, the Nct 127 members rushed out to the nearest store, not caring if the other people could recognise them and getting scolded by their company. This is Doyoung we're talking about.

They didn't even know that Doyoung had a photoshoot for this magazine till his disappearance. They didn't care anything related to him till now. Bittersweet feeling was what everyone felt with every pages they flipped, looking at Doyoung.




Today is another day of their practice for their concert. They were all tired however their concert is just around the corner, therefore, they couldn't bear to lose the remaining time they have resting. Especially now that Doyoung isn't with them, they have to change all of their choreographies for 8 people. They were so against it "HYUNG!! We don't have to change it! Doyoung hyung. will. be. there." Mark was upset with the announcement for the sudden change, "I know Mark calm down. This is just for a back up plan in case you know......Doyoung  isn't found before you guys start your concert in Japan", their choreographer replied back. At first they weren't convinced with the idea but in the end, they had no choice, they had to do it no matter what.

They would often make mistakes with the new layout of their dances and they also had to record Doyoung's part again in all of the songs that they will perform for their concert. It was a hectic day. When they were recording the songs, they could hear Doyoung's voice through their headset. The voice that they missed so much. When Haechan recorded that day, he couldn't help himself but to shed tears hearing his hyung's voice. It hurts.


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