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Without any second thought, everyone got on their cars and rushed to the hospital where Doyoung was said to be found. They didn't care if they're breaking multiple traffic laws. They have, no, they NEED to confirm it. They need to make sure that it's Doyoung who they found. They need to see it with their own eyes.

The hospital is very far from where they were at just now "f*ck why does it have to be traffic right now of all time!", Yuta said in frustration, hitting the steering wheel. They are currently divided into 2 cars. Yuta, Mark, Taeyong and Haechan are together while the rest are in the other car with their manager. Jihoon went there by himself with his own car and they haven't seen him since then. "Hyung relax. Being angry won't do anything", Mark said trying to calm down Yuta "Arghh!"

They've been caught in the traffic and there's no sign of progress at all that it'll move any time soon. "We should've just taken the other road!" Taeyong who is sitting beside Yuta in the front seat blurted out. "So it's my fault now? That I chose to take the shortcut??" Yuta felt offended with Taeyong's statement and started to get annoyed by it. "Yuta that's not what I meant. Stop putting other meaning in my words", "but that's what you're trying to say! Your blaming me!!" Yuta replied back raising his voice, "are we seriously going to fight right now?!" tension could be seen building up between the 2 elders who are in the car. "Then sto-" "HYUNG! Can we just concentrate here instead of fighting!! Both of you are just giving us more problems. Just focus with what ever your doing and think about Doyoung hyung!? God this is irritating" their maknae who has been quiet ever since they got on the car said, cutting in between the 2 who were about to fight. They were of course taken aback at that, but Haechan is right so they did what he said. "Tsk he started it", Yuta said quietly but Taeyong heard it. Taeyong was about to respond but he held himself back, he's the leader, he shouldn't fight with his members instead he should be the one fixing it and being the responsible one. So he just shut his mouth and kept quiet. The car was now enveloped in complete silence.




On the other car, their manager is the one driving the car while tailing behind the car Yuta is driving. They are also stuck in the traffic like the others. "Hyung it says here in the news that there was an accident nearby. Do you think it's still possible to turn back and go to the other way instead?", Jungwoo asked their manager. "Sorry Jungwoo but that's not possible. As you can see we're surrounded by cars, there's no space for us to even reverse. Well unless there's a nearby gasoline station for us to make a turn or something, but the nearest one is still a few km away from us", their manager replied back sighing and rubbing his forehead.

They've been stuck for an hour now yet they only moved a few meters away from the last spot they were in. They're all frustrated, they even thought of just leaving their car right there and just run to the hospital. But they can't just leave their car in the middle of the road right? And furthermore, they're idols. If they do what they're thinking, it'll just make the situation much more worse to them especially for others and might even cause an uproar to worried their fans. Which they wouldn't want to happen.

3 hours. That's how long they were stuck in the traffic before it was finally moving normally. Police were there to help with the flow of the traffic after the accident that happened. The members are of course worried for the people that are involve in the accident. It was a collision between 2 cars at first which caused the nearby cars to hit the said 2 cars and the other cars followed after. This resulted the long traffic that happened as they were blocking the whole road.


(Imagine it's something like this⬇️)

(Imagine it's something like this⬇️)

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It was already 7 pm when 127 arrived in the hospital. After leaving their cars in the parking lot, they ran towards the help desk as soon as they can "hi excuse me, were looking for Doyoun- uhh Kim Dongyoung. Is there someone with that name admitted here??" Taeyong, their leader was the one who asked the nurse. "Please wait for a moment sir", every second feels like hours for everyone while waiting. "May I know what is your relationship with the person?", "we're his.........................friends", after hearing that answer, the nurse looked at the computer screen again "Mister Kim Dongyoung is in level 9 room 127. If you turn towards your right and go straight, there will be an elevator which you can take to go to his room", "thank you!" after saying that, everyone rushed towards the elevator.

Silence filled the small space that they are in. Their heart is beating very fast. They're nervous. Every level that the elevator passed by, the louder their heart beats. "Ding!" they're here. The elevator door opened. They stepped out and looked at the sign that was right in front of them as soon as they got out of the elevator. The moment they turned left, they saw Jihoon sitting down while looking at the ground. He's crying. The sight that they just saw right in front of them made them scared, pulse beating in their ears, blocking out all other sound. Because they don't feel good about the situation. Something is telling them that there's something wrong.


Next update will be the last one already😖

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