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After the discussion, LOVE members will focus on the female toilet while SVT members were designated for certain floor according to their age.

All of them including Dr Kevin tried to find Hana in every floors quickly. They afraid she might do something bad if they were late.

Scoups and Jeonghan were in charged for the last floor and rooftop. The floor was vacant for a while because of renovation.

"Coups-ah, you search at the rooftop. I will look around this floor first," said Jeonghan.


They parted according to their plan. Jeonghan walked across the corridor and opened each door to find any unusual thing.

While he was walking through the end of the corridor, he heard the sound of glass shattered. He ran to the scene to make sure.

There, Jeonghan found Hana standing beside the window with broken glass. Her hand was holding a big piece of broken glass.


Before she could cut her wrist, Jeonghan held her hand to stop her action.

"Let me go!!" Hana tried to release herself but nothing's changed.

Without thinking, she grasped the broken glass in her hand tightly.

"Let go of the glass, Hana!" she did not move even a little.

Jeonghan immediately grasped the glass and tried to take it away from her hand. The blood kept coming out from their hand.

When the glass was removed by Jeonghan, he threw it to the floor. Hana tried to push him away.


The only thing he could think was hugging her. He held her tightly and calmed her down with small humming.

"'s fine now. Shh..." slowly her body became weak and she fell on him.

"Jeonghan-ah, did you find..." Scoups who came back from the rooftop, stopped his track after finding Jeonghan with Hana.

"The blood..."

"Nothing happened, just bleeding. Can you help me?" asked Jeonghan while tried to hold the pain of his bleeding palm.

"Y-yeah," they brought Hana to her room and called the other members.

"Where did you find her, oppa?" asked Mina.

"At the vacant floor, tried to kill herself with broken glass," explained Jeonghan.

"Omo, your hand, sunbaenim," the others focused on Jeonghan's hand.

"It's fine. Treat her first," replied Jeonghan.

"It's okay, I will treat Hana while my assistant will treat you," said Dr Kevin.

Jeonghan nodded and followed the assistant to the treatment room. The atmosphere was a bit off.

"Sorry and thank you for helping us, sunbaenim," said Ryn.

"Yeah, sunbaenim must be tired after the concert just now and we made it hard for you guys to find Hana unnie. Sorry," added Iris.

"It's fine. We are thankful that she also helped our Jeonghan hyung even though she has to suffer more," replied Dino.

Few minutes later, Jeonghan entered the room with his bandaged hand.

"We will take our leave now. Have a good rest," said Scoups and all members exited the room.


Few days have passed and since that night, Hana tried to improve her mental state. Every two days, she would consult with the psychiatrist. Her throat also improved a lot but only for her normal voice, not her vocal chord.

When LOVE was busy with their schedule, sometimes SVT members will come and visit her even during the sleeping hour. They afraid Hana would do something crazy again if they left her alone.

Hana was wandering around her room. She walked to the window and stared at the sky.

"Will you excuse me for awhile, Hana? My wife wants to go to her parents' house but I don't want her to drive alone,"

She was left alone 10 minutes ago by her manager. Maybe before this, Minhyung would afraid to left her without any supervising but now, as her mental health has improved a lot, there was not a problem to leave her alone for a short time.

She looked at the watch on her wrist.

"Minhyung hyung will be gone for a long time because of traffic jammed. Maybe taking a walk would not be any problem," mumbled Hana.

She wrote some notes for her manager if he might come back earlier than expected.

Hana walked to the random places her feet brought her. After she saw the special care nursery sign, just below her room's floor, she stopped by to look at the babies.

"There's no one here?" mumbled Hana to herself.

She looked at the babies in their bed cot. All babies seem healthy, just certain of them looked like they were born premature.

"What are you doing?" Hana flinched at the sudden low voice.

She turned around immediately and saw a girl wearing the doctor's coat.

"Wait, are you Hana unnie? LOVE member?" asked her happily.

Hana just smile at her and gave a sign to slow down her voice.

"I can't believe I meet you unnie!" whispered her.

"I'm Aya. Song Aya," she introduced herself to Hana.

"Hi, Aya. Are you in charged of the babies here?" asked Hana.

"Yes, with Dr Nara. She's my senior," Hana nodded and her eyes wandered around the room.

"Do you want to hold the baby, unnie?"

"May I?"

Hana spent quite a long time there and forgot about her manager who might came back to her now empty room.

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