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Their eyes focused on Junho and the woman who also ran towards them.

"Son, sorry. He saw the live. I...,"

Minhyung came to his mom.

"It's okay, mom,"

Before Junho could knock on the emergency door, he was hugged by Mina.


"Aunty, I want mommy," said Junho.

He has watering eyes while looking at Mina. She did not know what to do and just comforted him.

Not long after that, the door of emergency room was opened and the nurse pushed Hana's bed to the assigned room for her to stay.

"Mommy!" screamed Junho, once he saw Hana lying on the bed.

"Shh...mommy Junho is fine," Junho cried loudly when he could not approach his mom.


Jeonghan looked at Dokyeom.

"First time seeing your son? Why don't you talk to him?"

"It feels weird, Dokyeom-ah," replied Jeonghan but his eyes kept looking at crying Junho.

He wanted to comfort Junho so bad but restrained himself.

"Unnie, bring Junho out for a while. He can't control himself right now," said Yura to Mina.

Mina then carried him to the hospital garden with Minhyung's mom.

"Sorry for the inconvenience, sunbaenim," said Ryn.

"It's okay. It's our first time seeing him anyway," replied Seungkwan.

Minhyung looked at Jeonghan.

"I hope you will not say anything about yourself to Junho,"

"I know, hyung. I still kept our promise two years ago,"

"Even though you kept them, Junho quiet smart to know about it," sighed Minhyung.


All of them stayed at Hana's room. Junho was sleeping after crying non-stop since he came.

"'s Junho after this? Don't you guys have any schedules?" asked Dino.

"Yes, we do. About Junho...we can't leave him to Minhyung's mom. He's fragile right now. He will keep calling for Hana," said Mina.


"Mom-mommy..." the faint voice of Junho who just woke up surprised them.

"Junho, shh..."

"Where's mommy?" he rubbed his eyes before looking at Iris who held him.

"Mommy Junho is sleeping right now. Why don't Junho continue to sleep?" said Yura, tried to persuade Junho.

He just nodded and fell asleep again. Others sighed in relief.

"Hyung, I want to ask for a leave for few days. I mean, all of us. I don't want to leave Junho. Just for a few days," asked Mina.

"Yes, hyung. Until he is fine, we will continue with our schedule again," added Yura.

Minhyung sighed. It's not easy to ask the company for a leave especially when they have packed schedules.

"I will try,"


"Hi, this is LIGHT Ent,

Regarding the issue of one of LOVE member, KIM HANA, we are sad to inform that the whole group will undergo hiatus for the time being.

Due to KIM HANA's request two years ago, we kept the secret of her current health condition. Unfortunately, since the day of MAMA, she has suffered severe damage in her vocal chord that unable her to sing.

According to the doctor, KIM HANA could not sing ever again otherwise it could effect her health. However, she insisted to perform for the last time again for her fans.

For now, KIM HANA was in critical condition. We hope for your understanding on this matter and wish for her speed recovery."


"So now the whole world will know about two years ago," said Woozi.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" asked Mingyu.

"They will know about Jeonghan hyung too," added Hoshi.

Mina kept silent. She knew it was a bad decision but Hana wanted the fans to know the truth if something happened to her. She couldn't do anything about it.

It has been a week since Hana was in coma and the announcement was made. SVT members visited her everyday as they have a break for a month now. Junho was also fine for the past three days. He barely cried when visiting Hana.

"It's fine, everyone. As long as they knew nothing about Junho. It will cause the biggest controversy if it happens," said Jeonghan.

"Wait, where are they, now? Did they take Junho for a walk or kidnap him?" said Jun.

Few minutes later, Junho entered the room while running. Ryn catched him before he bumped into the coffee table.

"Yah, why is he so fast?" said Dino after entering the room, followed by Vernon and Seungkwan.

Junho just laughed when he saw them.

"Not three of you being a kid running around the hospital," Scoups shook his head.

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