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Almost a year has past. Today, Hana wrapped up her new drama which she was a lead actress. It was the first time she got the main character role as she always got the second lead one before this.

Tomorrow was the press conference for the premiere release of the first episode. As they finished the shooting late, Hana went home around 3 o'clock.

She took off her shoes after entering the house and walked to the kitchen. She grabbed a glass of water and drank it. The whole room was quiet with only a dim light near the rooms' corridor.

She washed the glass after drinking and went straight to her room. She smiled once she saw sleeping Junho. Whenever she saw Junho after returning home, it gave her a strength even though she was really tired.

She rubbed his hair softly but stopped abruptly. She touched his forehead.

"He's burning," said Hana.

She tried to call Minhyung. Gladly, he picked them up.

"Yes, Hana. It's quiet late now. You just reach home, why don't you sleep yet? You know that you have-"

"Junho's burning, hyung. Help me to bring him to the hospital," cut Hana.

Minhyung silent for a sec before ending the call. Few minutes later, Minhyung arrived and carried Junho to his car with Hana followed them at the back.

"You will be alright, Junho-ya. Just hold for a bit, okay?" said Hana.

She wrapped Junho with a small blanket as he seem to feel cold.


Hana was stunned. It was the first time after a year for Junho to call for him.


Fortunately, there was nothing serious with him. It's just a light fever.


Hana looked at Minhyung.

"He keeps calling for him," Hana just kept silent.

"What if-"

"Hyung, please. I don't want to talk about him right now," cut Hana.

"You have been neglected him for a week because of shooting, Hana. Just give both of them to meet. Forget about what happened back then. Prioritize Junho first," said Minhyung.

Hana could not look at him. Minhyung sighed. It was really hard to convince Hana since their predebut.

"I know it's hard for you to give him a second chance and I also should not let both of you to continue involved in rumors. But remember why did you choose to stay strong until now," said Minhyung before left to go to the doctor's room.

Without noticing, there was small tears fell from her eyes. The flashback of that predebut time kept coming in.


5 years ago...

Hana finished her solo dance practice alone in the room. She and the members would debut in a month from now.

She went to her bag and grabbed the water bottle. She also monitored herself with the video she recorded.

At the recording room...

Today was a first day Minhyung was assigned as the manager for a new girl group of LIGHT Ent.

He was told that the members were there for recording. Once he stepped in the recording room, he only saw four members focused with their recording.

When they noticed him, they quickly bowed and greeted him.

"Hi, I'm your new manager, Seo Minhyung," introduced him.

"Hi, we are your love. We are LOVE. I'm Yoon Mina, the leader. They are Choi Yura, Kang Irin and Lee Ryn," said Mina.

"Oh, the company said that they are five of you,"

"Aaa, she's practicing in the dance room," Minhyung nodded and excused himself.

Once he reached there, he heard the music and foot steps. When he opened the door, the girl who danced hard earlier quickly stopped her dance and turned around. She turned off the music in her phone that was connected to the speaker.

"I see. You like SVT?" said Minhyung but Hana just silent.

"Oh, sorry for my sudden burst in without introducing myself. I'm your new manager, Seo Minhyung. The other members said that you are here for dance practice,"

After hearing that, Hana felt relief.

"I'm Kim Hana,"

"Do you like SVT? You are practicing with their song instead of your debut song," asked Minhyung.

Hana was embarrased. Her cheek turned red blush.

"I see. I will not question then,"

" are the only one that know about this. My members knew nothing that I like to dance with SVT's songs,"

"Why SVT?" Hana smiled.

"Nothing particular. Just someone in there inspired me," said Hana.

"May I know who is he?"

"Yoon Jeonghan sunbaenim,"

I give you guys some flashbacks here^^

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