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Today is the last concert in Toronto before they moved to Vancouver. It also will be the last time for Jeonghan to meet her.

He planned to meet her again after concert for a short time as he needed to pack his things. But for now, 13 of them were quite busy with the rehearsal.

Once they finished, they went to their waiting room to get ready. The moment Seungkwan opened the door, all of them were shocked by the unexpected appearance of someone who they did not see for months.

"Hi, uncle!"


They quickly ran to hug Junho. They still could not believe their eyes. Hana who just came back from toilet, surprised by the chaos in the room.

"Everyone's here..."

"Hana!!" called Scoups.

He ran to hug her.

"I'm glad you are fine," said him.

"I'm totally fine, oppa. Healthier than ever," he hit her head lightly.

"You knew that all of us were worried about you. But you..." she gave him cheeky smile.

"Mommy...where's daddy?" asked Junho.

"He met manager hyung just now," said Scoups.


"Daddy!!" he ran to Jeonghan.

Jeonghan carried him and walked to Hana.

"How did you come here?" asked Jeonghan.

"Yeah. The staff will not allow just anyone to the backstage," added Mingyu.

"I met your manager at the back entrance. He allowed me to enter and waited for you guys here," they nodded.

"Did you know today is our last day here?" asked Jun.

"Yes. That's why I'm here. I know you guys miss this little boy here," said Hana.

"You did not surprise earlier, hyung?" asked Hoshi, pointed to Jeonghan.

"Why should I? I met her everyday," Hana quickly hit his arm.


"Why? They will know it sooner or later," said Jeonghan.

Hana could only sighed when Jeonghan explained what happened for the past two days.

" guys get back already?" asked Vernon.


"Ouch, it's hurt, love,"

The members felt cringey by the sudden romance made by the two.

"Ehem! Rule no 3, Jeonghan-ah,"

Hana hit Scoups. She glared at him.

"What's with these rules, oppa?" Scoups rubbed his back neck awkwardly.

"To protect you?"

"From your own member?"

"You won't know. Anything could happen-" he got another hit by Hana.

Other members just laughed by their cute argue.


Hana and Junho watched the performance from backstage. Watching them perform on stage made her missed her members so much. It has been months or maybe a year since she made a comeback with them.

When the concert finished, all members filled up the room to change their casual clothes. Joshua approached Hana and Junho who still there with them.

"Want to join us for dinner?" asked him.

"I'm fine but I'm not sure about this little boy," replied Hana.

"Junho, do you want to join us for dinner?"

Junho looked at Hana for approval. She nodded and he then replied Joshua happily.


Their manager delivered the food to Scoups' room. His room was quite big compared to the other members, so they gathered there to eat.

"Are you not afraid if our fans saw you just now?" asked The8.

"I don't want to run away from my fate anymore,"

"Even though I'm happy with my life now, it still makes me regret somehow," added Hana.

"Maybe I should start over again?" Hana smiled at The8.

He smiled back. It was not easy to start over again especially the rumors about her still spread out.

"We will always support you," they laughed out with their small talk.

15 of them enjoyed the dinner with a lot of stories until midnight. Junho had fall asleep a little bit past 10. Some members have returned to their room earlier.

"I'm going back now, oppa," said Hana.

"It's late. I will send you there," Hana refused his offer.

"You look drunk, oppa. I can walk by myself. It's not that far anyway,"

"No! You are girl. Although you have stayed here for months, it's quiet dangerous to go outside this late,"

"Stay a night?" persuaded Scoups.

Hana sighed. She couldn't argue more with Scoups when he was that serious about her safety.

"Fine. Where should I sleep?" asked her.

"You know where is it,"

"Oppa!!" Hana blushed.

"Why? Didn't both of you used to sleep together before?" said Scoups.


"Just go. Or should I take Junho with me then?" Hana quickly hugged Junho.

"N-No! No! I will take him as well," said Hana.


"I hate you, oppa!" Scoups gave her a smile.

"But you still love me anyway," said him proudly.

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