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SVT just finished their concert at Oakland. They rushed to the waiting room to have some rest before going back to the hotel.

All of them were busy with their own things. Some were changing their clothes and some were playing and talking while waiting for other members.

"Hyung!!" the scream shocked all people in the room.

Hoshi ran to Scoups when he saw him entering the room. Scoups looked at him weirdly.

"What's with that screaming, Hoshi? You scared others, you know that?" said Scoups but it did not affect him.

"The news...4 years ago..."

Scoups felt unpleasant in his chest. He quickly grabbed Hoshi's phone to have a look. The moment he read the article, his face showed them all. The only thing he could think was Hana.

He then took his phone on the small table beside the door. He was glad that he got her number before. He quickly dialed the number and a second later was picked up by her.


It hurt him when he heard her breaking voice. The members looked at Scoups nervously. Seem like he got the signal, he put on the speaker so his members could hear their conversation as well.

"Hana, who's with you now?" asked Scoups.

He already knew she flew back to Korea the night of her schedule flight.

"M-Mina and Yura unnie," replied her.

"Hana, listen. Take a deep breathe and calm yourself first,"

"I-I'm afraid, oppa..."

"Shh...everything will be fine. Now they know the truth what had happened back then. You can rest assure and not need to hide yourself again,"

"Look at the bright side. You did nothing wrong in the first place anyway," said Scoups, tried to comfort her.

Jeonghan who just heard the conversation between them, calmed a bit as he knew Scoups would be a great comfort for her as an older brother.

"I want you here, oppa,"

"Sorry, Hana. We still have a long journey here. The faster we'll be back is three weeks from now," said Scoups, felt guilty he could not be any help for her.

"It's fine, oppa. Sorry if I stress you out,"

"'re not stressing me out. Just take care of yourself and Junho. For these few days, don't go out unless necessary. Wait for your company's permission when the rumors cool down,"

The members heard all the comfort words he used on her throughout their conversation that day.


"Hi, this is LIGHT Ent,

About the rumors which spread out recently involving our artist, KIM HANA of LOVE, we want to confirm that such rumors were true.

After a lot of consideration with the artist itself, she finally agreed to speak up about the truth of what had happened to her 4 years ago.

There will be a press conference regarding this issue on XX.XX.20XX. KIM HANA herself will explain all the questions from the reporters.

However, the offensive questions or comments made to the artist will be taken serious legal action against them.

We sincerely apologise to LOVE's fan, LoVey for the inconvenience in managing this rumors and wish for your understanding."

Mina read the statement released by their company just now. They argued a lot on this matter and finally reached the right decision. They couldn't hide it anymore as it would be hard for the netizens to accept them in the future.

"We made the right decision," said Mina while patting Hana's shoulder.

"Just tell the truth. All of them, without leaving any information, similar to what you have told us before," added Yura.

Hana nodded as a reply. She also got a call from Scoups after that news released. He was beyond proud of her to speak up the truth. He has discussed the issue with his company as well, as Jeonghan also involved in this case.

Fortunately, both company agreed to take the responsibility to protect their rights and privacy after the truth revealed.

However, it was still a hard decision for Hana to make when the issue 4 years ago concerning Junho. Although she couldn't hide him anymore, she would protect him at any cost.

The ringtone of her phone surprised her from daydreaming. Hana looked at her phone and noticed the unknown number. Nevertheless, she still picked it up.


"'s me, Aya. Song Aya,"

Hana froze for a moment. It has been a while since she met her.

"Can we meet?"


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