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"Can I?" asked Hana again after getting no response from Dr Nara.

"You can adopt him but I don't think you will pass the requirement. Our department is very strict in terms of adoption," said Dr Nara.

Hana looked down a little bit. She really wanted to adopt Junho. It felt like she was already attached to the baby.

"As far as I know you are an idol who recently debuted, right? I'm not sure if you can support him financially since you just debuted and maybe still struggling with financial issue,"

"And even your age makes it less confidential for us to let you adopt him," added Dr Nara.

"Unless...unless you are married or have a partner that could support him," said her carefully.

The knock on the door turned their focus on that person.

"Is it Jeonghan oppa and Dokyeom oppa?!" said Aya excitedly.

"J-jeonghan s-sunbaenim,"

"Sorry for interrupting. Hana, you make Minhyung hyung worried about you. You should not leave the room like that,"

Hana looked at them confusedly.

"But I wrote notice on the table stated that I took a walk for awhile. Maybe...a long time,"

Jeonghan sighed. Dokyeom looked at the baby in Hana's arm.

"Are you sure you want to adopt him?" asked Dokyeom suddenly.

"Oh, you guys heard it. Yes, I want to adopt him but I don't think I can," said Hana sadly.

"Jeonghan oppa can adopt Junho," said Aya.

Hana looked at Aya disagreed.

"Aya, he is busy with his own work. We cannot ask him to adopt Junho," said Hana.

"But you can, Hana," Dokyeom looked at Jeonghan.

"What do you mean, hyung?"

"She knows what I mean," said Jeonghan.

"No, I don't want to use you to adopt Junho for me," replied Hana.

"It's not like we are getting married. Just until you have a stable financial to support him, then you can change my name to yours," explained Jeonghan.

"Hyung, are you crazy? What if the medias and netizens know about it? It would make the biggest rumors," said Dokyeom.

"I just want to repay you," said Jeonghan in low tone, only Dokyeom and Hana could hear.

Hana fell into silent. She did not know what to do.

"Hana unnie. Do you accept Jeonghan's oppa suggestion?" Hana looked at Jeonghan.

"I don't know, Aya. I will take a walk for a while," said Hana.

She gave Junho to Dr Nara and exited the room.

"Excuse me," Jeonghan immediately followed her.

"Dokyeom oppa. What's happening between Hana unnie and Jeonghan oppa?" asked Aya curiously.

"Are you trying to get the information from me?" said Dokyeom.

Aya grinned and pouted after that.


"It's just complicated to understand," added Dokyeom.

"If Mr Jeonghan wants to adopt Junho, just meet me here," said Dr Nara and walked away with Junho.

"Oppa, can I have your sign?"

"Right now? Suddenly?"



Hana sighed before turning her body to face Jeonghan.

"What are you thinking, sunbaenim? Are you not afraid of rumors about us? Why did you make things become more complicated now?"

"I really hope that we would not see each other again after that carton incident but you just helped me out of nowhere," added Hana.

"I don't want to involve with you, sunbaenim. I'm still a rookie even though my career was already doomed now but you still have a bright future and more responsibility to achieve and I don't want to ruin it," said her.

"If that's what you want, okay fine. I will not interrupt with your life again after this. Just let me help you with this one. I will adopt him for you and till you are strong financially, you can change my name to yours,"

"I will help with the registration and all his needs will be under your care. I will help in the adoption process only," said Jeonghan.

Hana thought for some time. She calmed herself down before answering.

"Alright. I will accept that. I hope you will keep your promise, sunbaenim,"


After 3 months in the hospital, Hana finally discharged. She also successfully adopted Junho with Jeonghan's help.

Since that day, Jeonghan kept his promise. He and SVT members never visited her again.

When she adopted Junho, some LOVE members quiet shocked with the idea. It just felt wrong that Hana decided to adopt Junho but they never opposed it.

They really liked Junho and also took a good care of him whenever they finished their schedules or have a free time.

As for Hana,

"Hi, this is LIGHT Ent,

We would like to inform you that KIM HANA of LOVE, will continue her career as an actress from now on. She will halt all group activities for the time being.

Hopefully that the fans, LoVey will give the same support and love towards KIM HANA and her members despite of their different schedule."

Another twist for tonight
Next chapter will be uploaded tomorrow^^

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