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All groups and soloists came out and sat at their designated table. Some fans were quite surprised when they saw SVT with Hana's son. Then, they were sure that the statement made by LIGHT was true after all.

The ceremony started smoothly with a lot of performances and minor awards given. SVT and LOVE performed in the second half of the show.

Now, it was the time for the major awards given by the special host which were the actors and actresses. One of them were Hana who would deliver the award for 'Best Male Performance'.

"I will now announce the winner of 'Best Male Performance' award,"

"The winner of this award is..."

Hana opened the case with the winner name in it. She smiled after seeing the name.

"SEVENTEEN, congratulations,"

SVT stood up from their seat and went to the stage to receive their trophy.

"Junho waits here for a while, okay?" Junho held Jeonghan's suit sleeve.

"Daddy..." he whispered something to Jeonghan and he smiled after hearing it.

Jeonghan then followed his members to the stage. Hana gave the trophy to Scoups. Three members as a representative delivered the speech to their fans.

However, in that situation, the audience and fans were more focusing on the couple who unconsciously wore the same colour of dress and suit.

It was the first time for netizens to see those two in public since their dating announcement was made.

After they finished with their speech, Jeonghan quickly kissed Hana's forehead before going down the stage to their table. Hana was flustered by his sudden action.

The fans could not unforesee those moments. It made the crowd cheered unexpectedly. Hana glared at Jeonghan for his behaviour just now but he just smiled to her.

When he arrived at the table, he did the high-five with Junho. Hana noticed them and was in disbelieve that Junho also involved.

"I see. They team up to make you blushing," teased Yura.

LOVE members giggled when they saw Hana's cheeks turned red.


The event finished successfully. All artists went to their waiting room and changed their clothes to something casual before going home.

Jeonghan entered LOVE's waiting room with Junho in his arms. Hana just settled packing her things as well as Junho. She ignored Jeonghan who approached her with Junho.


There's no response from Hana. Jeonghan gave Junho to Mina to change his clothes.

"I'll be back okay, baby boy," said Jeonghan while patting his head.

He then grabbed Hana's hand and brought her to the open park in the building. Hana was surprised by his action. He released his grip on her hand.

"Why are you bringing me here?" asked Hana.

"Are you mad at me for kissing you on the stage earlier?"

There was a silent for a moment before she denied.

"I know you are, love. Why would you ignore me just now if you are not,"

"I'm not. I just embarrassed when people saw us," confessed her.

Jeonghan pulled Hana close to him and hugged her. He caressed her back.

"Sorry if I act recklessly. Junho and I just want to tease you,"

He held her shoulder and looked directly in her eyes. Their surrounding was a little bit dark with only a dim light from street lamp at the park.

"Why are you so beautiful tonight?" blurted him, made Hana shy unconcsciously.

"It is quite dark here. How can you see my face?" said Hana, tried to cover herself.

He ignored her question and spoke out what's in his heart.

"I love you,"

Hana looked at his eyes. It was full of love for her. Jeonghan caressed her cheek and admired her existence.

"Am I being reject right now?" Hana giggled.

"You are my boyfriend after all,"

"But I want to hear your confession as well," whined him.

"Love you too, oppa,"

Jeonghan lifted Hana by her waist and spun her around. It was the happiest moment for him.

He kissed her without second thought. She kissed him back.

"Shh...Junho don't see,"

Without their knowledge, LOVE and SVT watched them from aside. Jun closed Junho's eyes to prevent him from seeing his 'parents' being lovey-dovey in front of him.

"Uncle Junnie, I want to see mommy and daddy too,"

His sudden loud voice alerted Hana and Jeonghan. They looked around and noticed their friends with Junho.

Hana was embarrassed and hid her face on Jeonghan's neck. They grinned after getting caught. Jun released his hand from cupping Junho's eyes.

Junho then ran to both Hana and Jeonghan, quickly hugged their legs. Jeonghan carried him and looked at his members.

"You guys are being sneaky again,"

"From whom we learnt those things?"

Jeonghan's rolled his eyes by Joshua's sarcastic words.

"Is it official now?" asked Hoshi.

"Yes," LOVE hugged Hana and congratulate her.

"I want to hug mommy too,"

"You just like your daddy,"


All of them laughed.

Epilogue comes after this
It's finally endㅠㅠ
Thanks for your support since first chapter!
Have a good day^^

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