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The living room was filled up with laugh and cheerful voice. The members relaxed themselves by playing and talking to each other.

"Wait! I know you," said Dokyeom.

He pointed to Aya. Aya looked nervous when some SVT members looked at her.

"Do you know each other?" asked Dino.

"Nothing particular. She was the one that handle Junho's adoption,"

"I have name, oppa," said Aya.

"Do you think I remember it when we met 4 years ago?" replied Dokyeom.

"Fine! I'm Song Aya. You can call me Aya," said her sarcastically.

"Hyung, look at her," whinned Dokyeom to Woozi.

"Don't involve me as well,"


In that chaos, Jeonghan stood up and went to the kitchen to look for Hana. Hana only focused on her task without noticing his present.

Suddenly, the glass she held slipped out of her hand and broke into pieces. It surprised her a bit.

She quickly squatted to pick them up but her hand abruptly halted. Jeonghan felt uneasy and walked to her after noticing her froze body.

He immediately grabbed her hand when she reached to pick up the pieces.

"I will do it. You will bleed yourself if you are not careful," said Jeonghan.

He lifted Hana and place her on the kitchen island. He quickly cleaned up the mess to make sure there was nothing left.

After finishing it, he walked to Hana who lost in her thought.


She got her sense back and looked at Jeonghan in front of her. Jeonghan closed their gap by standing between her legs.

"What are you thinking just now?" asked him softly.

"I felt weird after seeing that broken glass. It feels like dejavu. Did I have encounter such scene before?"

Jeonghan suddenly remembered the dark memory when she tried to kill herself back then. He looked at his right palm. There was still a scars from the past incident.

"What are you looking at?" she looked at Jeonghan's hand and noticed that scars.

"What happened? Did you hurt somewhere?" she took his hand and looked at the scars closely.

"You did not remember anything from that night?" asked him.

"Remember what? Anything happened without my knowledge?" asked her back curiously.

"I got this 4 years ago..."

"When I tried to stop you from killing yourself with the broken glass,"

Hana's expression changed. She was stunned for a moment.

"That's really you..." Jeonghan looked at her eyes for explanation.

"I always had the same dream of that scene but I don't who is it," she looked down after saying that words.

"Hana, looked at me. You did nothing wrong. You just lost control of yourself. Don't feel bad about it. I'm so much grateful that you are not killing yourself back then," comforted Jeonghan.

"Thanks, o-oppa," Jeonghan was surprised for a while.

"W-What did you say j-just now?" asked Jeonghan.

"Nothing. I need to finish my cooking,"

She tried to get off the island but Jeonghan did not move even a bit.

"Repeat what you said first, then I will let you go,"

"Let me down first," Jeonghan gave in.

"Okay, repeat again wh-"

Once she stood up properly, she quickly kissed his cheek and ran to the stove. Jeonghan froze for a while.

"That's not fair," he went to Hana but was stopped by Scoups.

"No flirting, Yoon Jeonghan. It past 8 already and we still did not eat anything," he dragged Jeonghan out of the kitchen.

"Yah, Kim Hana! You wait for me after we finish the dinner,"

"Yeah, yeah. Just don't torture my sister with your sweet talk,"

Hana smiled at that scene. It was lucky for her when she noticed Scoups at the kitchen entrance and took that chance to tease him.

She continue with her cooking which was delayed earlier. After 15 minutes, she called her members as well as Aya to set up the table.

"Boys!! Let's eat!" said Mina.

They ate Hana's cooking heartily. Fortunately, the food was enough for them as Hana made a big portion than she always had with LOVE that night.

After dinner, the maknaes and Aya volunteered to clean up the mess and wash the dishes.

SVT members took a rest for a while before going back to their dorm. Hana went to her bedroom with Junho and prepared him to sleep. After he fell asleep, Jeonghan suddenly entered the room before she could go out to talk with other members.

"Did he sleep already?" Hana nodded.

"What are you doing here?" asked Hana.

She tidied up her bedroom a bit when Jeonghan suddenly back hugging her.

"Why did you do that earlier, hm?" asked him.

"What did I do?" teased her.

"Are you playing with me, right now?" Hana giggled when she noticed his sulky tone.

She turned herself facing him and looked directly at his eyes.

"I'm not, oppa," she emphasized her last words.

"Say it again," begged him.

"How many times do I have to say it?" asked her while pouting her lips.


Hana was surprised and quickly cupped her mouth. She looked at Jeonghan in disbelieve.

"What did you do just now, Mr Yoon?" Jeonghan smiled at her mad expression.

"I just pecked my girlfriend. Is it wrong?"

"When did I agree to be your girlfriend?"

"Don't tease me, love. You just initiate the kiss earlier and I just return the favor," said him proudly.

"But it was on your cheek," whinned her.

"Did you just agree with me?" her cheek turned red by his teasing.

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