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Two weeks have passed. Hana's condition improved a lot even though there was no sign that she would wake up from her coma.

Today, SVT was in charged for taking care of Hana and Junho as LOVE members have schedule till evening.

Unexpectedly, Junho was comfortable around them. He played a lot with the maknae line.

Almost 7, LOVE entered the room with tired look. They finished their 4 schedules straight since morning.

"How's Junho?"

"He's fine and sleeping right now. Sometimes he will talk to Hana," said Joshua.

"It's late. Oppa, you guys should go home. We will take from here," said Mina.

"Okay, we will go now. Let's go. Yah, Yoon Jeonghan! You said you want to pay for..."


All of them froze. Their eyes fell into Junho who just woke up.

"Daddy?" said Junho in tiny.

"What do you mean by daddy, Junho-ya?" asked Yura.

"Junho saw the paper. It said Junho's daddy is Yoon Jeonghan," he rubbed his eyes before looking at the rest who were speechless.

"H-hyung..." Mina could not believe what she heard.

"Where did you see the paper, Junho?" asked Iris.

"In Junho and mommy's room,"

"This thing afraid me the most," sighed Minhyung.

"Where's daddy?" said Junho, his eyes started watering.

Scoups pushed Jeonghan slightly after getting approved by Minhyung. Junho walked to Jeonghan slowly. He carried Junho in his arm.

"Junho-ya..." Junho yawned before resting his head on Jeonghan's shoulder.

"Mina, a minute outside," called Minhyung and both went out of the room.


"Hyung! What is this? You know Hana against Junho comes near Jeonghan oppa," said Mina as soon as they were left alone.

"I know, Mina but we could not do anything about it now. He knew about the adoption already. It just becomes worse when he saw the paper with Jeonghan's name as his adopted father,"

Mina could not process what had happened. The biggest nightmare for them was when Junho knew about the whole adoption things.


Junho continued to sleep on Jeonghan's shoulder.

" what now?" asked Wonwoo.

"Actually, Junho knew about the adoption...except for Jeonghan's sunbaenim as adopter," explained Yura.

"Is it okay?"

"Hana did not want to keep the truth from Junho. So, on his birthday three months ago, she explained everything about him being her adopted son,"

"As Junho quiet smart, he accepted it easily but we don't know he would find the adoption paper," added Ryn.


"Err...should I bring him or..."

"Let Junho stay with oppa for a night," said Mina when she entered the room with Minhyung at the back.

"Are you sure, unnie?" asked Iris.

"We can't do anything about it. He knew who's his adopted father already,"

"Sorry, I should not call Jeonghan earlier..."

"It's okay, sunbaenim. He will know about it too one day. If there's anything, just call me, oppa," said Mina.

Jeonghan nodded. They left the room with Junho. Minhyung and LOVE sighed.

"Sorry, Hana..."


It's almost three months but there was still no sign of Hana to wake up from her coma. The members were worried. It became worsen when Junho started to ramble and cry calling for Hana since few days ago.

"Unnie, what should we do, now? Junho did not sleep properly for a week. If Hana unnie knew, she would be worried," said Iris.

"We could just hope that Hana will wake up from her coma. We have tried many things to persuade and ensure him," replied Yura.

They looked at Junho who was sleeping at the sofa. SVT has recording for their comeback today, so there was no one who could look for Junho. Gladly, LOVE was free for a week.


Mina quickly went to Junho after hearing his voice.


"Junho-ya. Do you want to eat something? Aunty will buy them for you," said Mina.

"Junho wants...mommy," his eyes started watering again.

Before he could cry, the sound of door opening made them turn around.


Junho walked to Jeonghan after seeing him. Jeonghan carried Junho and gave the plastic with food to Scoups.

"Did Junho sleep well?" Junho shook his head.

"Junho wants mommy," said him.

"Mommy will wake up soon. So Junho stays with daddy first, okay," he just nodded and rested his head on Jeonghan's shoulder.

"Thanks, oppa. Did the recording finish early today?" asked Mina.

"I took the first turn. Luckily, I arrive on time," replied Jeonghan.

He and Scoups took the first turn to record today. It's just his instinct that Junho will ramble again today.

"Unnie!! Hana unnie awakes!"

Another update today!
Enjoy reading^^

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