Chapter 5

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There were dogs of all colors, sizes, and breeds. Small chihuahuas doing flips, and big huskies jumping over high poles. Killian gawked at the dogs in awe, following the flips, jumps, and catches.

"Now ladies and gentlemen," called someone with a microphone. "For the last act, I'll need a volunteer from the audience." Children's hands burst up, waving around in the air, and they screeched to be heard. "You there sir." Killian twisted around to see who she was pointing at. A woman was behind him.

"Go on," I whispered. "They won't hurt you."

Killian trudged slowly up to the fence. "What's your name sir."

"Uh...Killian Jones," responded Hook.

"Is that your girlfriend you were sitting next to?" The girl nudged him slightly, he swallowed uncomfortably.

" fiancé actually."

"Awe. How good for you too. Now let's get down to business. May I have your jacket?" Hook slid out of jacket. His face was full of confusion. "Now sit back down." When he returned to his seat, she continued. "Now I would like to welcome Jack the dog! He is special since he is a rescue dog. Now to put him to the test. Jack, can you please find who this belongs to?" The German Shepherd put his snout to the jacket and took a deep whiff.

He sniffed the ground, his owner walking behind him and holding his leash. The dog continued walking till he was in front of us, then he barked loudly. "It looks like Jack found Killian! Good job Jack!" Everyone applauded and Hook found himself smiling.

"That was amazing!" he shouted once it was over. "Like magic!"

"We have one more thing to see." We went back to the sea world and Killian tensed. "It's okay, we aren't here for the dog sharks."

I took him all the way to the end, and we went down the stairs. We ended up in a huge glass dome, water all around us. Gray, leathery dolphins, swam all around us, their echoes dancing in the water. We were all alone there. Killian was quiet, the fingers of his right hand pressed against the glass.


I couldn't contain my small smile. "I know. It's one of my favorites. It's the best when it's quiet."

"It is quiet."

Killian's lips grazed mine, burning my insides. I drew him closer and tilted my head. His palm fattened against my back, inching its way down my spine. He stopped at the beginning of the bandages.

"You still wear them?"

"I have to." He was referring to the day I was ran over by Regina's car, then stabbed by his poisoned hook. It was all Cora's fault though. Now a days, he had never put poison on it again, and he hardly wore it around me anymore. I was still in bandages from it, ran over, stabbed, poisoned, and stunned at the same time. His hook is made of silver.

His expression sank. "Hook. Killian. Don't act like this. I'm fine now."

"Alright." He kissed my temple. "My beautiful, beautiful Ruby."

"We'll go home. It's getting late."

"Don't you need to go to that thing with the ladies?" My mouth dried.

"Right." We left the park, got on to a taxi, then the plane. I rested my head against his shoulder.

Hook was doing very well for someone who had never been on a plane before...or in an airport. He was very calm...he usually was. Only when it had to do with his past, or me. He was a very strange pirate...then again, I was a strange werewolf. So it works out great.

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