Chapter 8

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My eyes opened, there was a dim sting from what used to be pain. I wasn't on my back anymore. My head rested on a pillow. I remained bare chested, only a blanket concealed my body, but it didn't stop the draft from the open window.

The sky was dark gray, showing it rained earlier. Water dripped from the glass and frame. Wind swirled around, wrecking through tress and bushes. Everything just seemed depressing and gray. For a second I wondered what everyone else was doing. Was Regina and Granny making plans? Perhaps Belle with them? Was Will at the bar drinking? Ashley was probably with Thomas and Alexandria. Mary Margret, David, Emma, and Henry were together a family. And then Killian...

I felt a gaze burning upon my skin. I thought for an instant it was Victor, but he is never quiet...and he would probably be touching my arm or something.

"Ruby? Can you hear me?" I rolled my head towards the noise, my neck hurt. Misty blue eyes meet mine, but they were darker. They've always been darker, probably always will. They glimmered with tears and the light in the room.

"Yes," I mumble. "I can."

A smile touched his lips and he kissed my forehead, his rough, unshaven face scratching my skin, I didn't mind it though. "Good."

"Where am I?"

"The hospital. Ruby, you shouldn't have let Victor take them out so early." Killian's words held a tinge of ice in them. He was right though, I should have listened. I was just so angry with everyone and everything. Not Killian though.

"I know," I admitted.

He kissed me again, this time on my cheek, then my jaw, lips.

"K-Killian," I stuttered, already out of breath. "I'm sure there are people here."

"Look around. I put up the curtain." He wasn't lying. A green curtain enclosed us.

"What about the nurses...and Whale?"

"All taken care of," he stated proudly. "I told them not to come in here unless you buzzed for them." A red button sat close to my left hand, my middle finger was trapped by a cast like thing that told my heart beat. I'm not sure what those are called either. I was never any good at medical things, sometimes I had to get Sneezy to help me find some medicine at the shop.


His lips greeted my again, and I didn't stop him. His fingers grazed my flesh, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. Moments with him like this sent my insides ablaze, in the good way of course. His left "hand" slid under my head and lifted it up. "I love you Red."

"I love you too...Hook." I hadn't said that name in awhile.

"Let's go home Red."

"I feel like all I do is sleep and cry."

He chuckled. "I know. I'll sing to you."



"So what song will you be singing tonight oh great musician?"

The sound of his amusement erupted through the room of my apartment. I'm sure Granny heard it. "Well I wouldn't say I'm quite a "great musician", but...I'll try my best."

"Yes, but that wasn't my question."

"Right. I forever the name."


Killian smiled.

He said I'm gonna buy this place and burn it down,
I'm gonna put it six feet underground,
He said I'm gonna buy this place and watch it fall,
Stand here beside me baby in the crumbling walls,
Oh I'm gonna buy this place and start a fire,
Stand here till I fill all your heart's desires
Because I'm gonna buy this place and see it burn,
Do back the things it did to you in return

I didn't hear the rest. I had quickly fallen asleep, drained from the pain. Though, I remember Killian's fingers entangled in my hair, and his hand on my thigh. His warmth blanketed me in a way too beautiful to describe. I didn't have any nightmares that night...not right away of course.

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