Chapter 10

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Ruby's POV

In the corner of my dark room I saw something move. I couldn't make out the facial features. He was shirtless, and I could faintly see lines running down his face and body. Lines similar to the ones I had. Not like when I cut myself cooking once, or when I was hit by a car...more like when Killian stabbed me. The kind of lines woven through with a black thread. They were all over him. My memories went back to what I saw in Whale's office.

The thing kind of smelled like the whiskey Whale drank, and it would explain the needles and thread on his desk. His skin was sparkling in scarlet water...only it was thicker than water. His sent was mixed with dirt and...that smell again...rotting flesh. He smelled worse though, like it was him, but he was obviously alive...right? Then I realized as his face came into focus against the sliver moonlight, his black hair swimming by his eyes, surprising he still had his facial hair.

I screeched, my gaze locked with his devilish brown glare. I jerked the lamp on the bed stand, almost knocking it over to turn it on.

When the light kissed the corner, Peter was no longer there. I say up, keeping the blankets wrapped around me. "Maybe it was a dream," I whispered.

"Maybe what was a dream?" Asked Killian beside me.

"Did I wake you?"

"I heard screaming."

"Oh." I faced him, my face pale. "Sorry. I had a nightmare that's all."

"Alright." He laid back down and wrapped his arms around me, forcing me down too. He buried his face in my hair. I didn't think of sleep then, I couldn't sleep. Adrenalin pulsed into my bloodstream, keeping me awake. I laid there next to Killian, tangled up in him, and peered at the ceiling. I didn't dare to look anywhere else. I let in the thoughts pounding on the walls of my mind, they dropped in and wanted to stay. I tried to overpower them. It was a dream. It was a dream. Every time I screamed it though, there was a faint whisper,

No it wasn't.

Tears threatened to escape my eyes, my throat tightened. Everything caught fire. "All I do is sleep and cry," I murmured. "And sometimes both together." I leaned into the crook of Killian's neck, inhaling his sweet cologne.


I didn't get sleep that night, I knew I wouldn't, but that was alright. I watched Killian sleep. Is that creepy? "Good morning love," Killian said with a smile.

"Hi," I replied, giving him a small smile then a peck on the lips.

"Do you have work today?"

"Yes." He gave me those puppy dog eyes like he always did. "But I'm not going. I have other things I need to do, and I hardly got any sleep."

He say up, the covers falling to his waist, exposing his chest. "Why not? Are you alright?"

Should I tell him? I took in a deep breath and opened my mouth. "I...think I saw Peter last night."

His face fell. "You did say you had a nightmare."

"I...I thought I did, but what if I didn't?"

Killian kissed me again. "I think-" he was cut off your a knocking at the door.

"Shoot," I whispered. "I don't have a shirt on." Killian laughed.

Quickly, I tugged on a lose shirt laying on the floor and when I got to the door, I realized it was't mine. Way to be obvious. Nervously, I opened the door. David was standing in the frame, arms crossed. Emma was behind him, the same look on her face.

"Hey guys," I greeted.

"Where were you last night?" Emma said coolly.

"I was with"

"Ruby is everything alright?" Called Killian.

"Yeah," I returned. "Just give me a sec."

"Are you sure?" It was David who spoke now.

"Yeah why?"

"Someone was put in the hospital. Keeps gibbering, "monster monster" and being a werewolf-"

"What, that makes me a monster?"

Emma shook her head moving her father out of the way. "No, but we're just wondering." She got right in my face, her eyes staring into my soul. Her built in lie detector was ticking in her irises, like clocks and gears spinning around. She eyed my shirt. "Whose shirt is that?"

I blushed. "It's...uh...Killian's." I said the last word very quietly, hoping she wouldn't hear, I was wrong.

"Killian's? Oh..."

My blush deepened. I stumbled to find words. ""

"I understand." She was grinning smugly.

"No! We didn't sleep together!"

Granny raced upstairs. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!?" She boomed.

"I said we didn't sleep together!"

"You better be right!" She went away after that, leaving a confused Emma and a silent David.

"Sorry about that."

"'s fine. Do you mind if we just come in?" Emma raised an eyebrow.

", oh course not. Just...give me a second." I began blushing again as I slowly shut the door.

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