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*Chapter 17*

Christian and I laid in bed, cuddling and trying to appreciate the moment and the time we had together. After our conversation with Wilder we stayed for the night, and then around noon, we began our way home, spending seven hous in a car.

Now, it's around eight in the morning and I feel like Christian and I have all the time in the world. Sadly, Kent, Christian's beta decided to remind us that it's not true.

Kent stormed in flinging the door open and into the wall, making it slam closed again, though he dodged it perfectly. His eyes were wild, red, the same with the tip of his nose, it was as if he had been crying.

Christian growled, running out of bed and taking a protective stance infront of it. "What?" he growled angrily.

"We were under attack, people got hurt" words ran out of Kent's mouth and he gulped before continuing. "Including Ariana"

Another growl rippled through Christian and I could feel the bed I was in shake. I hurriedly stood up, my arms instantly wrapping around Christian. I attempted to calm him down, and it worked. A little.

"Where is she?" Christian growled at Kent. I ran my hand over his perfectly sculpted abs, calming him.

"Follow me"


Ariana laid in the infirmary. Once I saw her lying in the hospital bed, tears welled up in my eyes while Christian had growled, again.

Man, he need to get his throat checked.

"Do we have any information on who was behind the attack?" I asked Kent. This caught Christian's attention and he listened quietly for Kent's reply.

"I don't know yet. I told the gamma to give me a heads up" he said. I nodded and Christian stayed put, not moving a muscle. Though it's under these circumstances, I can't help but smile at seeing him so protective over his little sister.

I walked over to him, standing behind him and massaging his shoulders. Sparks flew everywhere as I did so, and Christian seemed to loosen up a bit.

The doctor came in telling us she would be okay, and that she would wake up in a few hours. This time it was Kent's time to sit completely still, as a statue, whilst Christian interrogated the doctor.

Christian left, having to take care of what had happened. Which left me alone with Kent. Once looking at him, you could see a heartbroken boy, almost collapsing into tears.

"'You okay?" I asked him. His head rose slowly to meet my eyes as he nodded.

"Have you told Christian about you? The matebond? He shook his head in reply. "Maybe you should?"

"He's going to kill me" Kent whispered. "I should have protected her" tears took form in hi eyes before slowly rolling down his cheeks. I took his hand in mine and looked him in the eyes.

"I'm sure she'll be okay" I said reasuringly. More tears fell down his cheeks to his chin and I gave him a small smile. "It's going to be okay."

"I don't know what to do if anything happens to her" he said whilst letting go of my hand and resting his elbow on his knees, head in his hands.

"I'm going to go make some coffee. You want some?" I asked Kent as I tood up. He shook his head 'no' in reply.

An hour later I was back in Ariana's hospital room, a warm, delicious smelling coffee cup in my hands as I sat on the couch infront of the hospihe hoom's window. Kent sat in the chair beside the bed, sleeping with his head on Ariana's lap.

I brought the coffee cup to my mouth, savouring the taste of the hot black liquid as it ran down my throat. God, how I love coffee.

Christian came through the door, smiling at me as he did so. He walked over to me, and kissed me lightly on the lips. Once he tasted the coffee that lingered in my breath he pulled back, his twisted into one of discomfort, making me laugh.

"I don't like coffee" he said to me and I gasped dramatically.

"How is it possible not to like coffee" I asked him in horror.

"Trust me. It's possible"

Christian lifted me up and sat down on the couch, his leg were laying on the couch as he laid me between them, his hands on my stomach and keeping me in place.

"How is she doing?" He asked me whilst burying his nose in my hair.

"Okay, for now at least. The doctor says she will wake up after a while, and that she'll be just fine"

Christian nodded into my neck, letting me know he heard me. Soon after though, I could hear snores come from Christian as well. A small laugh escaped my lips once I noticed he was asleep. Sighing, I let out a breath and rested my head on his chest.


Ja vi elsker dette landet som det stiger frem.

Author's note:

Hey guys. Here's another chapter for ya.

That up there is a small part from Norway's national song, since it's our national day today :)
Happy Birthday!❤





Thank you

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