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*Chapter 18 - Part Two*

The sun shone through the window, making the room appear so much brighter. A small strim of sunlight hit the ring, making the beautiful diamond in the middle of the almost tied knot sparkle. I smiled whilst looking at it, the fact that Christian had given me a promise ring was overwhelming. It meant that he was in it for the long run. Not all mates get married, most just settle for the bond, though I have always wanted a big white wedding.

"What's on your mind?" Christian said walking through the door. He sat down on the bed, next to me, and laid his hand on my back.

"Nothing, I'm just really happy" I told him, smiling. Kissing him very fast, I stood up again, finding my purse.

"Planning something?"

"Mmm" I teased. "Maybe"

"Maybe?" Christian took a hold on my hips, pushing me into him.My stomach came in contact with his chest as he looked up at me. I chuckled in response and bent down to give him a kiss.

"Ariana and I are going out"


"I don't know" I whispered. Kissing him again, I pushed us apart, lifting my purse and laying it on the bed. I found my phone and my wallet, hurriedly tossing them in. I looked at the clock, eight minutes until I am supposed to meet Ariana by the door.

"When are you leaving? Who's going with you? When will you be back?" Christian shot many questions at me.

"Calm down" I told him, laying my hands on his shoulders. "We're going in about seven minutes, no one is going with us, and I don't know when we will be back".

"You're taking twenty of my best fighters with you"

"No, we're not" I said, suddenly shocked. I didn't undestand how we would be in need of twenty men. "We don't need guards."

"Yes you do"

"No, we're just going to hang around. We don't need guards for that."

"Janine, I don't think you understand how important you are. When we mate, you will be a luna, many people will want to hurt you" Christian said, raising to his feet.

"But, I'm not a luna yet" I argued as I began to walk out of our room, and down the stairs.

"Have you forgotten what your family wants for you? Have you forgotten the war we have set to happen?"

"No" I said. "But I'm sure going to the park or something won't hurt"

"You are taking twenty of my men, no buts!" Christian was becoming more agravated by the minute.

"Ariana, will you talk to him? He's being unreasonable!" I exclaimed once Ariana came into my sight. Ariana laughed, though she nodded and dragged Christian into another room. I waited impatiently for them to come back, hopefully without guards.

"Okay.." Ariana said, making her way back to me. "We don't need more than five guards."

"Really?" I groaned.

"That or nothing" Christian said, smirking.

"Fine" As I was about to walk out the door, a hand stopped me by holding my wrist.

"Have fun" Christan said. I nodded, giving him a kiss before walking out the door.

After I had been begging for Ariana to tell me where we were going, we finally arrived at our destination; the shoppingscenter. My mouth fell agape in surprise. The building was tall, around seven floors, and each floor looked to be massive. It was very futuristic and a park was outside of it, surrounding the building.

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