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The flight over to Boston was short, and it didn't take long before we were settled into our hotelroom. We had only been here for an hour or so, but Christian refused to leave my side. Even when I needed to use the bathroom, was he waiting just outside the door.

"Will you tell me why we suddenly decided to come here?" I said as we sat on the couch, the tv showing some stupid soap opera tv show.

"I have to meet with someone, and I thought it would be good for you to go out and see other places" Christian looked at me whilst he talked.

I nodded in response before speaking; "so, what are we going to do?"

"I have a meeting in thirty minutes, but I'll be all yours tomorrow" Christian smiled at me as he took my hand in his.

"Oh, okay. What is the meeting about?" Because I didn't remember much, I didn't know what Christian worked with and he wasn't in a hurry to let me know either.

"Just business" he brought my hand up to his lips, brushing them lightly over my delicate skin before standing up. "I have to get ready now, you'll be alright here?"

"I'll be fine" I assured him. He nodded before walking over to his suitcase, and began to find his things. It was only when Christian began to pull his sweatshirt over his head that I looked away. I blushed a beat red colour and focused my eyes on the television instead.

A few minutes later, Christian was ready to walk out the door. "I'm leaving now" he said with his hand on the doorknob.

I quickly got on my feet to bid him goodbye. "Wait" I said as I noticed how he had buttoned his dress-shirt wrong. I quickly opem every one of them and this time, buttoned them correctly. It took every ounce of my selfcontrol not to stare at his defined six-pack.

"Thanks" he whispered, his mouth close to mine. I gulped nervously, breathing becoming heavy as he closed in. When our lips met, fireworks went off inside my brain.

"I really have to go now" he said pulling away from me. The kiss wasn't long, but it was my definition of amazing. I nodded slightly, still dazed after our kiss.


20 minutes.

20 minutes had gone since Christian had left, and I was going crazy, the clock had barely struck four and I had absolutely nothing to do. Christian hadn't told me when he expected to be back, leaving me to keep myself company.

I got up from my spot on the hotelbed, restless, and pulled on my black coat and doctor Martin's. I decided to go out and explore the streets around the hotel, so that I could be more familiar with this place.


I had been walking for about an hour when I heard it. A scream so loud, so deafening that it could be heard from miles a distance. My immediate reaction was to find the girl who the scream had come from, but that was easier said than done.

I ran down the street, taking a few sharp turns here and there. Most people were running away from wherever she was, or ignoring what was happening, but I continued to run.

What it was that made me do such a foolish action, I didn't know. Maybe I had some kind of weird mother-protection instinct, or maybe I was just plain crazy. All I knew, was that when I was faced towards the gigantic monster holding a girl captive between itself and the brick wall, I immediately regretted my action.


Author's note:

Hey guys:)
I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas, and got everything they wished for! :)

I know it's a short chapter, but I don't have the time to write that much nowadays. :/

I hope you guys enjoyed and I'm sorry for any spelling mistakes.

And please, don't forget to:





Thank you,

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