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"It was back in 2020.. Schools just started and I was excited for my new schoolyear. There was this very popular, nice, smart, blonde boy in the other class. Everyone adored him, but there was only one boy he had eyes for. His boyfriend Mark."

Time nodded and Vegas sighed before he continued.

"They were a couple for two.. maybe three weeks.."



"Mark ! Over here !"

"Hey baby."

"I'm leaving guys. See you tomorrow!" Tay said with a last wave as he and his boyfriend left the school.

They arrived at Tays condo in no time and the blonde boy made dinner for them.

"Sour Curry? My favorite! Thank you na." Mark said and Tay smiled.

"Everything for you."

The two boys met in school.

Tay had a crush on the other for nearly two years. Since highschool.

But Mark seemed to only notice the other once they entered university.

Lucky Tay, Mark got into the same faculty as he did and soon after school started, they started dating.

"You want some more ?" The younger asked but Mark shook his head no.

"No, I'm okay. Thank you."

Tay nodded, still smiling and began to clean up.

Mark just sat down on the couch and searched for some movie on Netflix, waiting for his boyfriend to come sit down.

"Oh, you found a movie ?" The blonde said excited as he came back from the kitchen.

"Yes. I thought we could have a nice movie night ?"

Tay was happy.

He cuddled up into his boyfriends arms, not knowing that Mark had other plans.

Soon after the movie started, he began to kiss Tay's ears, down to his neck.

"Oh look ! I know the actor !" Tay said and Mark  hummed.

He continued the kissing and grabbed a fist full of Tay's hair.

"I- Mark, I thought we're watching the movie." Tay asked slightly panicked.

"Yeah, we can watch it later." The older said and pushed Tay down onto his back.


"Pscht. You'll like it I promise." He said and pulled up Tay's shirt.

Tay was now panicking.

He wasn't ready to do this.

"Mark, stop." He said over and over but his boyfriend ignored him.

🪡𝐼 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢. >𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑇𝑎𝑦<Where stories live. Discover now