Under the stars.

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"I'll take a coffee please."

"One coffee and fuel pump 5 , right? That would be 3549,78 baht."

Time payed and both boys left the gas station.

"Thirty minutes and we're finally there." The older one said with a smile.

They were on their way to the spot they were last break.

National park.

They wanted to go stargazing together but this time as a couple.

"Turn right." Tay said looking at his navigation.

Five more minutes and finally- they arrived at the beautiful place.

"Let's unpack our stuff and eat something. I'm starving."

"You just ate a hotdog Time."

"That was thirty minutes ago." The older laughed.

Tay took care of the car and Time unpacked everything else.

The boys brought a small grill with them.

For their date night they had food, films and cuddling as program and Tay couldn't wait.

For their date night they had food, films and cuddling as program and Tay couldn't wait

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"Ready for our date night ?" Time asked smiling.

"I thought we agreed on 'no social media' ?" He smirked.

"We did but.."

"But ..?"

"I wanted to share with my followers that my lovely boyfriend and I spent quality time together."

The older smiled and gave Tay a kiss on the forehead.

"Come on, food is ready." The other said and pulled the smaller boy with him.

They sat at a Camping table they brought with them and ate together, enjoying each others presence.

Talked, laughed and even sang.

It was 6pm and it was dark.

The only light came from the stars and the moon.

"You know..."

"Hm ?"

"I am so happy that we had this one night stand."

Tay stared at Time.

"I mean.. If we wouldn't have had sex back then.."

"We wouldn't be sitting here right now." Tay ended the others sentence.

"I'm happy that Kinn brought me to this Party."

"I am happy that I went with Vegas."

"I actually didn't wanted to go that night."

"Me neither."

"I honestly don't even know why I started talking to you. You looked so lost and something about you.."

"Yes ?" Time asked with a smile.

"I couldn't take my eyes off of you."

"I'm glad about that."

"Even when you were vomitting.."

"Oh lord you'll never let me forget that, right?"

"Never ever." Tay sang.


The couple lay in the car together.

The panes were masked so it was dark.

Strings of lights hung around and the two were cuddled close together.

"Why did I let you decide the movie?!" Tay said, clutching Time tighter and tighter.

"It's just a horror movie." giggled the older one.

"Just a horror movie my ass. We are in the middle of the woods. This is how every stupid horror movie begin Time!"

Time laughed.

His boyfriend was so dramatic.

"It's okay, it's almost over."

"Damn it, we're watching Lightyear after this." Tay said.

"Baby, nothings gonna happen. I am here with you. I'll protect you."

"Oh you sure will." Tay said and Time giggled while pulling the younger closer.


Hello guys:)

Here's another chapter!

Enjoy ^^


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