let's talk.

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"Are you okay ?"

"Yes. Yes Tay, I am."

The boys were in Times room, doing their homework but the older couldn't concentrate.

It wasn't because his parents were fighting downstairs.

Time and Tay were used to this already.

It wasn't because Tay was sitting on the floor without his pants either.

The guy with cute dimples spilled some pasta sauce on his clothes and Times mom immediately told him that she would take care of it.

Times home became Tays home and the other way around. The only difference was that Tay knows Times parents.

Time never even saw a picture of Tays mom and dad.

Time thought about the last months.

Since their one night stand, everything happened so fast.

They became friends, their besties became besties and got into relationships and all the two of them did all break long was fucking because neither of them had the guts to ask the other out.

They both liked each other.

At some point of their Story, both fell in love.

But Tay couldn't believe that Time could like him and Time was afraid he would scare Tay away with his feelings.

Tay saw that the other was tensed up and decided to help him out.

He put down his pen and grabbed Times belt.

"What are you doing?"

"Let me help you." He shushed him.

Time looked down at the boy who was currently jerking him off but he couldn't enjoy it.

Why ?

>Tay is so beautiful..< he thought.

He felt awful for making the boy feel like this is the only way he could cheer him up.


"You like that ?"

"Tay.. stop."

The young boy froze.

"Why ? Did I do something wrong?"

"Tay.. we should stop this."

"What ?"

"This whole friends with benefits shit.."

"Time, No. Why.. Why should we .. Am I not enough anymore? I can try to.. I can try to train my gag reflex away ! Yes, maybe that would help-"

"Why should you do that, I-"

"I can get lingerie."

"Tay let me-"


Time stopped and stared at Tay in shock.


The younger began to cry.

"I didn't wanted to leave you."

"Why don't you want to have sex with me anymore.."


"You found someone better, right  ?"


The boy flinched and Time apologized.

"I didn't mean to shout." He said.

"No it's okay. I should've let you talk."

Tay tried his best to stay calm.

He feared that Time would leave him and the younger was sure, that would be the literal end of him.

"Tay.." He began and the silver haired boy could swear his heart would rip any second.

"We should stop this sex shit. I don't want to only call and see you when we either doing homework and when one of us is horny. I want to see you all the time. I want to see you when you wake up. I want to see you cry when you watch an emotional film. I want to eat your food every day. I want to hold your hand whenever I want, not only to support you while I fuck you. Jesus christ Tay, this whole friends with benefits was the stupidest thing I could have asked for."

"It wasn't."

"It was."

"Not for me. I wanted to be close to you and this was the only possible way. Time I like you. I have a crush on you."

"I know."

Tay stared at him.

"What ?"

"I know, because Tay, I like you too. For weeks now. I was just too afraid to ask you and your behaviour that night.. first day of break.. I wanted to ask you to be my boyfriend, but the way you suddenly acted made me afraid and I thought you would reject md if I tell you about my feelings and since I didn't wanted to lose you, I thought I-"

"Ask me to ne your fuckbuddy ?"

"I thought my feelings would scare you and so I thought if I ask you for this kind of relationship, you won't leave me."

"You fucker !" Tay said with tears in his eyes.

He was smiling but crying and that confused Time.

"I thought.. someone like you would never like me. I actually broke my own heart so I thought 'at least you wouldn't leave me' when you asked me."

"Tay I am so sorry."

"You didn't do anything wrong. I was the dramatic overthinker."

The boys giggled sadly.

"So you're telling me, I could've actually have you as my boyfriend this whole time ?" Time began.

"Well.. Yeah?"

"How about.."

Tays eyes widened and his heart was beating fast.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" Time asked his a big but nervous smile.

"FUCK YES !"  Tay literally screamed and fell into his boyfriends arms.

"Why are we like that ?"

"Like what ?" Time asked confused.

"We had nothing to be afraid of, yet we manipulated ourselves into thinking we wouldn't work. Why didn't we just talk about everything ?"

"I guess we're both dense." Time laughed and gave the younger one, who was sitting on his lap again a deep, passionate kiss.

"I love you Tay."

"I love you too."


Hello guys:)

Here's a new chapter..

This story is about to end.
A few more chaps !

I really hope y'all liked this little story of mine :)


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