Let's pretend. >SPECIAL CHAPTER<

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"Stop, Kinn !" Porsche laughed.

"No." The older said and simply continued to tickle the other.

"Stop ! Kinn, I-"


They got interrupted by their phones ringing.

Slowly turning their heads to look at each other, Porsche smiled.

"Don't even think ab-"

"Hello guys !" Porsche said as he picked up the facetime group call.

"Porsche !" Pete said excited.

"I - ... are you naked ?" He stopped midsentence.


"Nevermind, I-"

Kinn slowly crawled up and rested his head on Porsches shoulder, coming into frame.

"And there's the reason." Vegas said laughing.

"Guys shut up now, Pete wants to tell us something. That's more important than Porsche being naked." Tay stood up for his friend.

"Thank you. Soooo - you know that I am in this school program.."

"Yes ?" Time said and the others nodded.

"Well.. Since my score's really good, I got the chance to go to Tokio for six months !"

"What ?!" The friends said almost simultaneously.

Only Vegas remained quiet.

"I am happy for you !" Kinn said.

"Yeah me too!" Porsche agreed.

"What about Vegas?" Tay asked worried.

"Don't get me wrong, I am really proud of you Pete."

"We're gonna be long distance for those months.." The sweet boy said smiling sadly.

"I'll facetime him every day. I'm sure we got this." Vegas answered.

The friends continued their talk for an hour before Kinn and Porsche hung up and went down for some breakfast.

"Morning Tankhun."

"It's 1pm." He simply said and continued his talk with Pol and Arm.

The couple sat down and got served some food.

Toast, sausages , coffee and more.

Both seemed to be in their own world, staring at each other with pure love in their eyes.

"P'Kinn, are you free this evening ?" Kimhan interrupted.

"No, I am not. Why ?" Kinn asked with a raised eyebrow.

It was weird that his younger brother would ask him, since he's normally not even at home.

"Well I wanted to ask for your help-"

"He has a date with some girl but he doesn't want my advice since 'it's not helpful'.." The oldest said.

"You have a date ?"


"Listen, I-"

"Okay." Porsche answered.

"Really ?"

"Yeah. If you want to, I can help aswell."

"Yes ! Thank you P'Porsche."

Kimhan stood up and left the livingroom with Tankhun giving him a death glare.

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