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Time and Tay walked through the nearby park, on their way to their local Starbucks.

Time planned on asking Tay today.

He wanted the younger to be his boyfriend.

He planned everything with Kinn and Vegas, so he knew what to do, but he was so nervous he could swear his heart would burst any second.

They stepped inside the beautiful Cafe and ordered their drinks before they sat down.

"It's so hot today.."

"It really is." The pink haired boy answered.

"The sun makes your hair shiny." Tay added and smiled at Time, who's hair he dyed dark blue two days ago.

"I hope it looks good ?"

"Of course. You're mister handsome, right ?"

Both boys giggled.

"Hey Time, my best friend Yok will be in Bangkok next month.. I would.. like you to meet her."

Time looked monotonously at Tay.

"You don't have to!"

"I would be incredibly happy to meet your best friend!" said the older one now smiling.

"Damn it you... you scared me ! I thought you hated that idea."

"No! I was just surprised and-"

"Yeah yeah.." Tay laughed.

The older one looked overwhelmed, which Tay thought was cute.

"Hey did you hear that Vegas and Pete are going to Paris for a week soon ?"


"Yes for their 6th month anniversary. A gift from their parents. "

"I did not know that." said Tay in surprise.

The two sat there and talked for a while before leaving the cafe and heading over to the mall.


"What do you think of these pants?"

"Probably looks good on you. Oh, you should pair it with this." said Tay and handed Time a black shirt.

The older one looked at the price and paled.

"Tay.. that's way too expensive."

"Don't worry about it, I-"

"No !"

"What ?"

"You're not my sugar daddy. I don't want you to buy me expensive things. I can never give you any of it back."

"Time, I told you already- I don't want anything in return."

"And I don't want you to buy me pricy stuff!"


"I didn't mean to sound harsh or anything. Sorry if I did."

"No, you're right. I should've listened to you and your opinion."


Time realized he had triggered something in Tay.

The younger one looked a bit scared, but recovered relatively quickly.

"It's really okay." he smiled.

Time took a deep breath.

"Let's go to the fitting rooms." The blue haired boy said.

After trying on some clothes in different Shops, they left the mall.

Time carried Tay's bags, not because the younger asked, no, just because he wanted to.

Walking closely next to each other, Time took all his courage to grab Tays hand.

The younger didn't pull back, what made his heart jump, but he tried to stay calm.

So did Tay.

He was about to explode but walked to the exit like nothing happened.


They walked back through the park, still holding hands.

The sun was setting and the two boys stopped at a small park bench.

Tay wanted to take a picture, so he left his things with Time,who sat down on the bench, and took a few steps towards the sun.

The older boy couldn't help but smile as he looked at the younger one.

>so cute how he smiles.< Time thought and pulled out his phone to take a picture of Tay.

"Time !"


The older one was startled and tried to hide his phone.

"Come here, let's take a picture together."

Time nodded and walked over to the younger one.

Making several grimaces, Tay took one photo after the other.

"Tongue out! 3..2..1.."

"oh oh.. now blow up your cheeks."


Both boys had a lot of fun.

"Now a normal smile." Tay said and started to count, but before he took the picture he kissed Time on the cheek.

The older turned his head and stared at his beloved boy.

"Look, it's a cute picture of us."

"How about you take a picture of this.." Time began and before Tay could say anything the older one grabbed his chin softly and turned his head.

He pressed his lips on Tays and both boys closed their eyes immediately.

It was a short kiss. Only a few seconds, before Time pulled away.

Resting his forehead on Tays he slowly opened his eyes.



"Will you be my boyfriend?"

"I thought you'd never ask." Tay answered and kissed the older one again.


Hello guys!

A new chapter and finally they're a couple!!!

Hope y'all like it:)


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