one year older.

395 28 5

Today was Time's birthday.

He woke up around 11. and stared at his phone.

A message from Tay.

"Meet me at my place at 8pm." He read out loud and smiled but the second he heard his parents fight again, the smile faded.

Tay knew that lately Time wasn't really happy when he was at home. His parents fought a lot recently, mainly because of money.

Since it was the olders birthday, Tay wanted to celebrate the special day at his place.

He put up some decoration, cooked and soon it was already 7:30pm.

The birthday boy wrote him when he stepped into the elevator and Tay grew nervous.

Time had an own card to enter Tays home so Tay planned to wait until the door opens.

He turned off the lights and stood next to the fridge when the door finally opened and Time turned on the light.

"Happy birthday to youuu..." The younger began to sing.

"Happy birthday to you."


Tay lit up the two candles on the birthday cake.

"Happy birthday dear Time, happy birthday to youuuu."

The older one smiled from ear to ear.

"Blow out the candles."

"Thank you so much."

"No need to thank me. Now blow out the candles or do you want to stare at them like they did in Vice Versa ?"

Time giggled and finally blew out the candles.

Tay put the cake on the table and pulled Time into a hug, something he didn't do with anyone else.

Just Time.

Only Time was allowed to hug the now silver haired boy.

"Happy birthday Time Time." He said and kissed the others cheek.

Holding Tay tightly, the older one pulled him up from his feet.

"Thank you Tay."

Once he let the other back down, he stroked his cheek.

"I made you something to eat."

Time just smiled, still looking into Tays eyes, while his heart was pounding like crazy.

He snapped back to reality and they sat down and ate dinner.

Tay was a fantastic cook and Time knew that already.

"You made me Pad Thai ?"

"Of course. I know you love it."

"Thank you so much."

The younger smiled.

He knew that Time really meant every 'thank you' and that made his heart jump a little.

"Here." The boy said and handed Time, who still had food in his mouth, a little box.

"What is that?" He said hard to understand and picked it up. He knew exactly what it was, just didn't seem to want to accept that he'd lost the daily discussions of the past two weeks.

"Happy birthday."

The brown haired boy opened the gift and his eyes widened.

"You really got me that damn phone ?"

"I told you I would."

"Tay this costs a fortune."

"It's not that deep."

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