school break.

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"You need to turn left in 500 meters." Tay said to the currently driving Time.

They were on their way through a wood. Their destination - a cliff with a wonderful sight over nature aka Khao Yai National Park.

They drove three hours and it was getting dark already, but Time promised to show this place to his friend.

Just the two of them.

A few more turns and finally - they arrived.

Parking the car, getting off.

"Wow.. there's nobody here. How do you know about this place ?"

"there are a lot of people here, you will see that tomorrow, but they are on the marked paths and areas. This one has the best views but is not one of the official routes. It's nice and quiet, the only downside is that you won't be found if something happens."

Tay nodded and turned to look at the nature in front of him again.

"Do you like it ?"

"I love it."


"My parents brought me and siblings here a lot when we were younger."

"So that's how you know about this place ?"

They sat on the blanket that Tay brought and watched the stars, drinking some hot chocolate.

"You know.. I always imagined bringing someone up here I really like and ask them to be mine."

"You never did ?"

"You are the first person I ever took here."

Tay nodded and it got silent.

He felt happy about that.


It probably meant nothing to Time, but for Tay, this meant that the other boy likes him.

The younger one was clutching at straws ever since realizing his feelings for Time.

The blue haired one was way too scared to tell Time about it. His past often caught up with him and he feared rejection.

"Hey Tay ? Can I ask you something ?"


"I.. um.."

Time turned to the younger one and met his eyes, but Tay couldn't help but stare at his lips.

"kiss Me." Time said suddenly.


"Kiss Me." Tay was rigid but Time pulled him close and just kissed him.

He carefully pushed him back onto the blanket and began to pull his shirt up.

The two let themselves be carried away by their lust and love and so Tay quickly found himself on all fours.

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