you've began to feel like home.

351 25 2

Time sat at his desk in his room.

He was trying hard to concentrate, but couldn't, so he stood up and opened the door.

"Why are you always acting like it's nothing ?"

"Because it IS NOTHING !"



"COULD YOU TWO please shut it already. We all get it, but I can't fucking concentrate."



Time went back to his room and slammed the door, leaving his arguing parents in the livingroom.


They wouldn't stop so he just put in some headphones and began to blast some music.

He couldn't recognize his parents.

The normally loving, caring and perfect parents turned into two brainless, always arguing people.

This was all about money.

Times dad lost his job and they were currently living from the money his mom makes.

His dad began to drink alcohol and at some point, Time was sure his dad's an alcoholic.

Soon after, he began to use his moms money to buy stuff they didn't even needed.

He needed help, Time was sure about that and wanted to help him get through this, but he was drained.

The young boy couldn't take it anymore.

Hearing his parents scream at each other,

Time sat at his desk and began to cry.

He couldn't stop.

The brown haired boy couldn't deny that he missed his parents.

He was deep in thoughts when his phone rang and Tay called over facetime.


"Hey Time, I- are you crying? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah.. it's.. I am okay, I-.."

He began to cry again and Tays heart broke.

"Hey, it's okay honey. I am here for you. You're not alone, okay? Now come on, breathe with me."

Tay and Time stared at each other through their phonescreens.







"And out..."


"Tay ? Can you come over?"

"Of course I can honey."

"I need you."

"I'll be there in ten minutes."

"Thank you."

"It's okay." Tay said softly and hung up.

He ran out to his car and drove as fast as he could.

He had tears in his eyes himself as he walked up to the door and rang the doorbell.

Times family thought of Tay as their second son.

His mom loved the pink haired boy dearly and Tay enjoyed having parents..

But now ...

"Tay ? Baby what are you doing out here ? Come on in. It's late already!"

"Thank you mom."

He hugged the short woman and stepped inside.

"You look sad ? Is everything okay baby ?"

"Mom.. I think you should ask Time if he's okay. Not me."

"What do you mean ?"

"I know your situation is pretty hard right now and I am so proud of you for handling it so well.. But you have to remember that Time always hears you two fighting. He's sitting at  home, feeling lonely, because you're down here fighting and not once asking if he's doing fine. If he needs help. I'm sorry if I cross a line mom, but I love him and I want him to be safe and happy."

Times mom began to smile but her smile turned upside down and she began to sob.

"You're right Baby. I was so distracted by all the shit has father's done these past few weeks and my problems that I totally forgot about my son and his feelings.. It must be hard for my boy to hear his parents fight like this everyday.."

"Mom, I don't want to blame everything on you. But I need you to listen to Time. To help him get through this. I am sure he'll help you aswell. You're not alone."

The two people hugged and Tay fought back his tears, trying to stay strong for his mom and boy.

"So.." his mom tried to act calm.

"You love my boy ?" She said, wiping her tears and smirking.

"I do. I really do mom."

She caressed Tays cheek and smiled at him.

"Come on now, go up to my baby."

The boy nodded and went up to the others room.

He knocked on the door and it opened almost immediately.

"Time-" The younger began but got interrupted since Time pulled him in a hug.

Tay pushed the two of them inside and closed the door.

Hugging his boy tightly while the other was sobbing in his arms.

"It's okay honey. I am here."


"I don't know what I should do anymore."


"I mean.. I know they love each other. I know my dad needs help tho.. I just.. I don't know.. sometimes I just wish my parents would get a divorce."

"Time.. it's not your duty to do anything. Both of them are adults and they should know better. They should think about you and your feelings. Not only their own."

"I know, but-"

"No but. You're their child. You're not responseable for their marriage."

"It just hurts me to see my parents hurt like this.."

"I know honey." Tay said and ran his hand through the olders hair.

"You want to come over ? Sleep at my place for a few days ?"

"If that's okay for you ?"

"Of course it is." The older one said smiling.

Time began to pack his things and soon both boys made their way to Tays apartment.


Hey hey guys !

A new chapter.

Btw 593380 thai baht are about
16000 Euro.

Hope you'll like the chapter!


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