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Hello my friend

Time ?

Yes. How are you?

I'm fine.
Wby ?

Yeah me too.

Time stared at the screen.
He wanted to talk to the younger but holy shit - this was hard.

He had no idea what to say.

"Maybe I should ask him to go out ?"

"You sure ?" Vegas asked not really interested.

"Yeah, we could go out, eat something or.. are you even listening?"


Vegas was smiling at his phone and Time knew the other was staring at his chat with Pete.

Time wasn't mad at Vegas.

He knew that his best friend is in love.

"You know what.. I just ask him."

Hey Tay.
Would you accompany
me at dinner ?
My treat.

Where should we
meet up ?

I pick you up.


Time smiled and jumped up.

"Where are you going?" Vegas asked now looking at Time.

"Picking up Tay." He said and closed the door, running out to his motorcycle.

He drove to Tay as quickly as possible.


"So you said yes ?"


"I mean.."

"Kinn please help me."

"What? How and why? You said it yourself it was just sex and now you two are just friends." Kinn said amused.

"I mean.. yes ? But.."

Kinn saw that his best friend was in pure panic right now.

He knew that Tay was afraid.

He knew what happened to his friend and he was proud that Tay tried to get to know the other boy.

Since Mark was in prison, the boy had no relationship.

He was in therapy, had severe panic attacks. The young boy was afraid of physical touch and sex was absolutely no option.

This was one of the reasons why Kinn was really bamboozled and couldn't really believe what he heard when Tay told him that he slept with this friend of Vegas'.

"Listen Tay. I am really proud of you. You apologized for being a jerk and asked him to be friends. We go out to eat all the time. It's not different. You wanted to get to know him - then do it. He won't harm you."

"You're right. It's not different from us going out...but you don't know if he would hurt me !"

"He could have killed you the night he was over at yours." The friend said and looked at Tay with a raised eyebrow.

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