(1) Arguments

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"Hey, you," Alexandria says, leaning against the bar, her eyes pinpointing her girlfriend who was currently pulling a pint of ale for a customer.

"Lex," Kalianne responds bluntly, not even looking at her, as she exchanges the pint for the coins the man had placed on the counter.

"You're still mad at me," Alex states monotonously.

"Astute observation," Kali says, rolling her eyes.

"I've said I'm sorry," Alex sighs.

"You always say you're sorry, and then you go and do the same shit," Kali replies, wiping down the surface.

"Once, it's been once this month," Alex says, "and it's nothing you haven't done."

"At least I end up back in our apartment," Kali states, her tone clipped.

"Fucking hell, Kal, it's not like I went home with someone else, I got drunk with Tommy and then crashed on the sofa at his," Alex says, "one night I drink with my brother and you're getting arsy about it. It's not everyday like it was, it's been once this month. Forgive me for living a little."

"It's not the fact you were drunk, Lex," Kali replies, "it's that you didn't say you were going out, and then you don't come home, I was worried about you."

"I did tell you," Lex says, "I explicitly told you that I was going to the pub with Tommy, and that you were welcome to join us."

"Why would I want to spend time with Tommy?" Kali shrugs.

"He's my brother, I know you're not his biggest fan, but he is still my brother, you don't even make an effort to like him," Alex replies.

"Because he's a manipulative prick!" Kali sighs, "he's violent and crude."

"Don't call my brother a prick," Alex states, her tone emotionless, just as always. There was a never switch in tone, no joy nor anger ever connoted through the way in which she spoke. It was like she was neutral about every word she said.

"Besides, I'm just as violent as he is, you look pass that," Alex says.

"Because I love you," Kali replies, "but I cannot stand your brother."

"Kal, can you at least try to get along with him? For my sake. And will you please stop fucking insulting him," Lex says.

"He's not good for you, all you do is argue," Kali says.

"We're siblings, of course we argue," Alex remarks, "you and I argue, does that mean we're not good for each other?"

"I didn't say that," Kalianne sighs.

"Who has?" Alexandria questions.

"What?" Kalianne says sharply.

"You emphasised the I, that means someone else has said to you that they don't think we're good for each other," Alex replies, and Kalianne looks away from her, wiping down the bar.

Alex steps behind the bar, placing a hand on Kali's, stopping her from wiping down the counter top, "who was it?"

"Linda," Kalianne answers.

"Did she say why?"

"She thinks you're manipulative like your brother, she thinks you lack emotion for someone who claims they care for me," Kalianne whispers.

"Do you think that?" Lex replies, tucking both her hands into her trouser pockets, watching as Kali hesitates to answer her question.

"I see," Alexandria says, taking a step back.

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