(14) Drunk Alex

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"Can we talk?" Lewis asks, knocking on the door to Alex's office, he smiles timidly, "I got you a present."

"You didn't need to do that," Alex states, as he places it on her desk.

"Well I did," Lewis responds, taking a seat opposite her, "about last night, I know it didn't mean anything, I know it's because you were drunk. It doesn't change anything."

"Except it might," Alex says.

"If you're worried about me thinking that was anything more than a drunken kiss, I know it wasn't, Alex, you're lovely sometimes, and you're hot, but we both know a relationship between us would be hell," Lewis says, "that's not to say if you wanted to kiss my beautiful face off when you're sober I wouldn't indulge. But it's just that - nothing more, I promise."

"Okay," Alex nods.

"I knew you'd be getting in your head about it, so I thought it better to talk sooner rather than later," Lewis says.

"I... appreciate that," Alex replies.

Lewis smiles, "good, now open your present."

"Is it stolen?"

"No, I actually bought this because I knew you'd return it if you found out it was stolen," Lewis says, pushing it towards her, "so open it and give me an infamous smile."

"Don't push your luck, blondie," Alex responds, beginning to softly tear the seams of the wrapping paper.

"So, do you like it?" Lewis asks.

"Sure - what is it exactly?" Alex replies, holding up a bottle of lotion.

"I saw it at the market, it's meant to help relieve stress and tension, and I thought since you're always so wound up, you could find good use for it," Lewis smirks, "please don't throw it at me."

He stands up, "try it, relax a little. It might help, it might not, there's no harm in trying."



Alex glances up, she wasn't used to being bellowed at in the street. People usually scurried away in fear, shielding their children's eyes.

She stops in her gait as she sees a familiar woman walking towards her with a smile. It was a woman she hadn't seen for years, not that she would ever complain about that. But she had a picture, she hadn't ever had the guts to burn it. She'd burned the others, but not this one.

It felt like the oxygen inside her body had dissipated. She felt like she couldn't breathe, like she may be hallucinating.

"Alex, my baby," the woman coos, stopping in front of her. Her mother.

"Vanessa," Alex states.

The smile on her mothers face falters slightly, taking note of Alex's hard features. What did she expect? Alex to smile with glee, invite her over to become re-acquainted.

"How've you been?" Vanessa asks.

"Why are you here?"

"I live here," Vanessa replies, "I missed my hometown, thought I'd come back. See my little girl."

"I'm not your little girl," Alex shakes her head, "you're not my mother, no mother would abandon their child."

"I made a mistake," Vanessa sighs.

"No... you made a choice, and it wasn't me you chose," Alex responds.

"It was your birthday last week, I got you something," Vanessa says.

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