Chapter One: Out of the Shadows

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William sat in the dark alley, huddled in the crummy blanket. He looked to his left and saw five spiders crawling near him. He never minded spiders. They felt like family to him in that dark alleyway. Sighing, the boy removed the blanket and went on to his daily routine.

"Let's do this," he said to himself. Grabbing onto the brick wall, he began climbing, finding and using impossible handholds and footholds. After climbing up a few feet, he looked over at a different wall, and flipped over to it, climbing it as well. These were what made him unique. He could climb almost any surface, as long as it had small or tiny cracks for hand and footholds, and he could use any form of agility with ease. With these, along with his comfort around spiders, he gave himself a funny nickname: Spider-Man.

As he climbed, he heard a little girl's voice.

"Daddy!" she said. William then turned to see two sisters standing there. The taller one had brown hair and a ballerina's foot. The shorter one was blonde with a mischievous look in her eye.

"Come see this, Daddy!" the older one of the two said. "The boy's climbing up the wall like a spider!" Instantly, William lost his grip and fell onto the ground. He was winded, but otherwise unhurt. As he lay there, looking at the sky and catching his breath, a man's face came into view. He was handsome, with dark hair and a certain way his mouth curved, but his eyes were the most striking feature. They appeared to be exploding with curiosity.

"Can I help you up?" the man asked.

"Please," William grunted. The man then hoisted the boy up onto his feet.

"What happened?"

"I, uh, fell down."

"Well, my daughter, Caroline, said she saw you climbing the wall like a spider. Can you show me?"

"I don't know," William answered. "You'll just run away, being afraid of me." The brunette girl, Caroline, then walked up to the boy, and handed him a flier. William took it from her hand and read the black and red letterings.


Unique Persons



Male or Female. Young or Old.

Daring Acts

Wonders of the World.

Curios performers of all ages are invited to apply to PT Barnum's Museum of Curiosities. Come to Broadway and Ann Street. We encourage the rare and exotic types from around the world.


American Museum

Cor. Broadway and Ann St, Opposite St. Paul's Church

"What'd you say your name was?" William asked.

"P.T. Barnum," the man answered, putting forth his hand for a shake. "What is yours?"

"William Miller," the boy replied, shaking hands with Barnum.

"Well, William, will you please show me what you did?" Nodding, William walked over to the wall and began climbing. Something filled up inside him, a warm, funny feeling. Instead of being scared, these people were amused and excited. Flipping from one wall to the other, he amused the Barnum family, landing in front of them in a unique crouch, with one hand balancing him on the ground and the other held up behind him.

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