Chapter Three: Rewrite the Stars

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Before Barnum left on tour with Jenny, he placed Phillip in charge. William, suited up excluding his mask and gloves, sat on a couch with Lettie, Tom, and W.D. as the two partners entered the room and Barnum left.

"Ain't that a sight for sore eyes," Lettie said, causing Phillip to turn to face them.

"Couldn't even say 'hello' to us," Tom said.

"Or 'good-bye'," Phillip said. "He's going on tour. Sorry, guys." Lettie then nodded as she turned to face William.

"Hey, Miller, pull yourself together!" she said. "Don't you have someplace to be?"

"What?" William asked. "Phillip, what time is it?" Phillip then pulled out his pocket watch and checked the time.

"Almost 8:15," he answered.

"Ah, nuts!" Will said in panic. Grabbing his shirt, pants and shoes, the same outfit he wore for Jenny's concert, which he left lying on the table in front of him, he ran out of the circus building, putting the clothes on. W.D. was about to follow, but Lettie stopped him. At the theater, Anne wore her hair up and a beautiful, long-sleeved, lime green dress.

"Anne Wheeler," she said to the ticket man. "Mr. Barnum said he left a ticket for me." It was true. Barnum left her a ticket to see this singer. The man then pulled out two strips of paper and handed them to her. "I'm sorry, but I believe there's only meant to be one."

"No," William said, running up to them and taking the tickets, his nice clothes hiding his suit. "There's meant to be two." Anne looked at him with an unreadable expression. Will looked at her with desperation. "Wasn't sure you'd come if I asked. Had Barnum put it together." Anne then smiled at the attempt of a date and the two turned to a staircase with no people on it.

"I've always wanted to go to the theater," she said.

"Me too," William answered, offering her his arm a few seconds after he spoke. She took it and the two walked up. Unfortunately, Phillip's parents were walking down the opposite staircase, leaving a different show.

"Excuse me, young man," Mr. Carlyle said, grabbing the young couple's attention.

"Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle?" William asked. "We're good friends of your son's. I'm William Miller and this is Anne Wheeler." Anne couldn't afford to make eye contact because of the shame she felt she brought William.

"Young man," the male Carlyle said, "have you no shame? Associating yourself with that Barnum business is one thing, but parading around with the help?" Letting go of William's arm, Anne turned around in humiliation and left.

"Anne," her friend called. "Anne! Anne!" But it was too late. She was gone. Walking up to the rich man, the young one grabbed his coat in anger. "How dare you speak to her that way?" He then let go and started to leave.

"You forget your people," Mrs. Carlyle said, grabbing William's arm.

"My people?" William asked. "You've got to be kidding me. Excuse me, Mrs. Carlyle, but if you're my people, I don't want any part of it." He then pulled his arm free from her grip and left the theater, looking for Anne. As he did, he removed his shirt, pants and shoes so he was in his more comfortable suit. Finally, he found her in the abandoned circus. Setting his clothes on a podium he walked up to her, finding her hair down and in a rehearsal outfit.

A white blouse covered her torso with thin straps around her shoulders. Stylish red shorts were around her waist and upper thighs, and golden boot socks were over her otherwise bare feet. She was wrapping pink wraps around her wrists as William walked up to her.

"Anne?" he asked. "They're small minded people." He reached over to help her with the other wrap, but she pulled it away. "Why do you care what they think about you?"

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