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Well, that's it. You just finished The Greatest Story. I had A Million Dreams about this, and now, it's so rewarding to see it Come Alive. I hope you guys loved reading it from The Other Side. Now, I know for some readers, five chapters is Never Enough, but This Is Me, and I say it was good. Just don't try to Rewrite The Stars of this story, or you'd be walking a Tightrope. From Now On, this story is not just for you. It's for everyone. If you enjoyed it, please, share it with people. Friends, family, people who like The Greatest Showman. People who like Hugh Jackman, Zac Efron, Michelle Williams, Rebecca Ferguson, or Zendaya.

Okay, puns aside, I really want to say something. I know that it's highly unlikely that they'd be reading this, but I'd like to thank the cast, crew, directors, music directors, and everyone who was involved with bringing the movie that this story was based on to life. I would like to thank Hugh, Zac, Michelle, Rebecca, and Zendaya for creating my most favorite musical movie of all time. And finally, I would like to thank you, dear reader, for taking a chance with this story. I hope it came alive in your minds as if it were the actual movie itself. So, thank you. Keep on dreaming and never let those dreams go.


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