Operation Captain America

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Before I begin the new chapter, I just want to say thank you for the 100 views. I didn't expect to get views this fast, much less reach 100 in a time span of two weeks. Again, the last time I tried youtube, I only got 2 views in a month sooo...

Also, I somehow got like #43 in the #spyschool rankings. Like, holy shit guys, thank you so much. I hope you're enjoying this fanfic. 


"So you're telling me that SPYDER has made a serum equivalent to the Super Soldier serum in the Captain America movie?" I inquired, my mouth agape in shock. Not only did SPYDER make a serum similar to the Super Soldier serum, but they were also going to use it on me

"Yep!" Joshua replied happily. "And it will be even better. Our new invention, Captovania, (LMFAO random name I just typed) won't adjust your physical looks, to not raise any suspicion while going on undercover work at Spy School."

"WHAT?" I yelled out in shock. I had just betrayed the CIA, and now he expected me to go back to school as a mole. No way. The school probably wouldn't even accept me back. After all, the whole reason they decided to kick me out was because of the flumbonian phenomenon.

"I bet you're wondering about how the CIA is going to let you back into the academy with all this flumbonian business," Joshua said, reading my mind. This threw me off, and I saw him smirk at my reaction. "The flumbonian ordeal is all taken care of. I just had to come up with something even less plausible, and those idiots on the conspiracy websites would believe it."

"So what exactly did you write on those sites?" I asked happily, glad that I wasn't America's #1 fugitive anymore.

"I just said that another alien species had framed poor Ben Ripley into being a flumbonian. This other species, the dixbonians, were doing their framing silently to wreak chaos and mayhem on the world, which made it seem like the world was at stake. I told them that the dixbonians lived on Jupiter, so it would be long before humans could conquer them and beat this war. And this time, stupid Murray wasn't there to counterattack us since SPYDER has hired him once again," Joshua concluded.

I couldn't believe how stupid human beings could become in the case of conspiracy theorists. They somehow believed extraterrestrial life existed on Jupiter and thought they were devising a plan to overthrow Earth. Sure, there was a very slim chance that some creatures might exist, but even so, why would they want to conquer Earth? There's really nothing that benefits them, as Earth is a dying planet anyways because of global warming. 

I changed the topic back to my new mission. "So you inject me with this serum, and I become this terminator killing machine, capable of beating any sort of enemy? And then what do I do at Spy School?"

"We're going to send you in and possibly, Murray Hill as two moles for SPYDER. You'll plant bombs once again under the Hale building, proving this time that the Academy of Espionage is really compromised. And when the CIA officials gather up to discuss Omega in the Hale Building or the CIA headquarters, we will bomb the place, and cause chaos and mayhem in the CIA by removing all the higher-ups."

This plan seemed to have a few flaws in it. First: how could anyone possibly trust Murray Hill to assign him back to the academy? And two, I think the SPYDER has already attempted the Omega plan. I'm pretty sure. With all the missions I've been on it was hard to remember what the bad guys' plans were two years ago. And third, was the biggest flaw of all, which I personally asked Joshua.

"I thought the location of the Academy of Espionage was already compromised? After Murray revealed it all to the evil community?"

"No, dumbass. Why would they keep the school open if they truly thought its identity was compromised? It was only revealed to a few assassins, as Murray told me. Although you can never believe a word he says, I still took the information as plausible. We paid off the assassins to never reveal the location again. When they were taken in for interrogation by the CIA, they pretended to crack under the pressure and lied that they knew nothing about this "spy" academy they were talking of. We had to kill Sal Minerva (I think that was his name, correct me if I was wrong) since he was the only known assassin that was known to know the location of the academy."

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