Ashley Sparks

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Before I start the chapter, I gotta ask, where the hell do you guys find a transparent image of the Spy School cover guy lol? I was going to create a cover then realized, I need the spy school dude, but I couldn't find it for ages. 


BEN POV (I'll do a POV change next chapter)

Ashley's mouth was as wide as my fist, clearly from shock. I assumed that Joshua Hallal had not specified who exactly she was supposed to guard and help. She probably didn't assume that I had turned to the dark side and was with SPYDER now.

Obviously, with my last encounter with SPYDER's evil spy school, Ashley thought I was an undercover double agent for the CIA right away. 

"You..." she said, gritting her teeth, her eyes blazing with fury. The average bad guy wouldn't be this mad at me, but Ashley was a different case. Back when I was an undercover SPYDER agent, she had had a massive crush on me. Ashley had even offered to visit Disney World with me. And no girl asked someone to go to Disney World with them unless they wanted the relationship to be serious. At first, Ashley seemed like a cute and sweet girl. But when I had betrayed SPYDER a year ago, she had shown her true color, as being an evil maniac who would kill anyone for a glimpse of money. Since then, Ashley had probably devoted her life to killing me.

So the most sensible thing for her to do at the time was to instantly lunge at me, expecting to knock me out cold, or in a worst-case scenario, kill me.

Except, her plan didn't go as Ashley had expected.

If I had been myself an hour ago, I would have been voted for the number one worst fighter in the nation. Ashley could have defeated me in hand-to-hand combat in less than a second. Ashley was one of the few people who could match even the great Erica Hale in combat. Ashley's fighting style was a combination of gymnastics and kung-fu, which had been specially developed for her by SPYDER.

But I wasn't my normal self anymore. When she lunged at me with a kung-fu-styled kick to the nuts, my body instantly reacted and dove to the side. Ashley's kick landed in midair, and with a confused and frustrated look on her face, landed flat on the ground. 

Ashley quickly got up, then regained her balance. She wildly punched at me, aiming for my head, but I caught the fist. She wasn't her normal self and her fury had lowered her accuracy. But still, if I was me an hour ago, fending off Ashley like this would have meant that God had given me special powers just out of pity to defeat Ashley.

I grabbed her wrist firmly, then twisted it at a 180-degree angle. Ashley yelped out in pain, and I tackled her with my legs, and she fell flat again. Without thinking, a punched her repeatedly in the face, each punch producing a painful grunt out of Ashley. I may have not realized it by then, but I believe this was the time I truly turned evil. I had mercilessly punched an unarmed enemy without having a glimpse of thought. And it was probably the worst decision of my life.

Ashley was breathing heavily, and purple bruises started forming all over her face. I realized what I had done, and quickly apologized. Even if she was one of my greatest enemies, it still didn't feel great to beat them up mercilessly.

"Save it," she spat. "You did it on purpose. I swear to my life, that the next time I see you, I will personally see you terminated. Even if it means ending my life and betraying this organization."

With that, she pulled out a sedation dart and injected it into herself. I believed that she didn't want to suffer the pain of all her bruises, and determined it was better to be unconscious.

Right then, Joshua Hallal walked out of the corner, clapping, smiling maliciously. "Well done, Ripley. I see the effects of our serum have settled in. As for Agent Sparks here, I will take care of her. I believe she would even take the act of joining the CIA to kill you, and this will create an infuriating amount of problems."

"So you're going to hold her in prison?" I asked, wiping sweat from my face.

"Yep," Joshua sang happily. "And consider yourself activated. Operation Sneaky Tiger has officially begun."

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