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Okay, I should really stop assuming genders. 

I barely managed to gulp in the notorious tomato stew, while trying not to vomit. The food was the same as before.  I longed to be done with this mission fast, as I wanted to get back to the 5-star meals back at SPYDER headquarters.

Surprisingly, everyone at Spy School, was, well, friendly. I honestly don't know what I expected it to be, but everyone was treating me like normal, except I caught occasional talks between Zoe and Mike about how lucky they had been that they had not been caught.

Erica was eyeing me suspiciously since my return. I was on alert after realizing this fact, and if a potential attack came from her, god, I wished the serum worked. 

It was about 10 PM, and right when I was going to dive onto the half-inch thick mattress, a text message arrived. There was no threat whatsoever of the CIA tracking my text messages, as SPYDER had given me one of the rare phones that the government had no control across.

The text was from Joshua Hallal. It read: Agent Benjamin Ripley, Murray Hill is expected to drop off a bombing package to you right outside your window. Jump down to receive the package immediately. 

I swiftly disabled the security cameras in my room, and I secretly hoped that I didn't break my ankle, and hopped down from the window. There was no pain from the fall as if I had been on painkillers. I smelt a distinct scent of bacon and cheese coming off from an individual, which I assumed was Murray. He really needed to stop the bacon addiction to become at least, a decent spy.

I quickly ran up to him, faster than Murray's eyes could follow. He jolted back in surprise, and I let out as short a laugh could be. After recognizing it was me, Benjamin Ripley, Murray started to give a short welcome-back talk. "Hey, Ben! I always knew you would make the right choic-" I cut him off. There was a better time to discuss a warm welcome. 

"I'm sorry Murray, but I believe it is my duty to get this package back as quickly as possible, and with this little speech of yours, it would take 10 times longer than it would have," I responded curtly. 

"Well, Uhm, okay, I guess I'll just hand you the package," Murray was slowly cowering away in fear. I never wondered if my new physical form was that intimidating. Or, perhaps, it could've just been my newfound confidence, that had gained menace over the weaklings.

"That would be much appreciated." 

I received that package. It wasn't as heavy as I expected it to be, since it was RDX. I very small amount of it could possibly blow up half of the academy, maybe even the full of it. I climbed up the brick wall of the academy, and back into my room. I noticed my phone lying on my bed. Joshua Hallal had sent another message, and he had ordered me to put it in the same room that Murray had trapped me and Erica in my first year of Spy School, all those years ago. 

I didn't wear any shoes to prevent creating any unnecessary sound, and swiftly entered the underground system of the academy. I entered the room that Murray had trapped me in two years ago, and placed the RDX while setting up the wires to trigger the explosion manually from far away. I noticed that the broken clock from the box was still left there, and removed it. I stuck it in the large pocket of my utility belt, to keep as a memory. Then I placed a much more advanced and new digital clock, then connected it to the bomb. Now, no one could foolishly bang against the wall and turn the bomb off. 

I got back to my dorm in a matter of minutes and saw another message come from Joshua Hallal. It read: Alert the presence of the bomb anonymously at 1300 tomorrow to alert the heads of the CIA. Tell them there are only 24 hours before the bomb goes boom, and that to stop it, they will need to hand over The Syringe

I didn't know what The Syringe was, and he definitely was not meaning the medical syringes they use to give you shots. Whatever, it was, I knew something ominous was going on. 

Alr, about two updates per week from now on, if there isn't any catastrophe that happens irl

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