Too Fast?

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Carter's POV:
After Daddy and Rosie saw all the reptiles, we made our way around the rest of the zoo. I mostly walked in front of Dady and Scarly while holding Rosie's hand. We got to see a bunch of monkeys, and birds, and even 'Mingos. I think those were my favorite.

They were the last thing we saw before Scarly and daddy decided it was getting late and it had been a long enough day. But they did say that we had seen pretty much every animal in the zoo. I never realized there were so many. As we walked towards the exit, I could feel the sleepiness begin to hit me. Well, mostly my legs. I was struggling to keep up with Rosie and it wasn't helping that we were getting near a lot of people so we had to walk faster.

I could feel myself fighting to continue but the tiredness was becoming too much. When Rosie started walking faster, I was practically jogging or doing some weird skipping thing to keep up. Once we got to the end of the crowd, I was ready for us to slow down again, but I was not ready for my foot to catch on the edge of one of the pavement blocks. And I was definitely not ready to fall flat since Rosie was still walking.

It all happened in slow motion. As if everything went quiet and in the span of 2.73 seconds to be exact I was smacking right up against the concrete. There was a loud sound from my fall and the scattered people around us all turned to look at me. That made everything much worse. And the combination of the fall, the pain, the sleepiness, the stares, and whatever else I forgot, I let it out the only way I knew how.

I think it's safe to say crying is a very easy and common response to most situations, at least for me. So I cried, hands on the floor sobbing. Still contained by my tears, I felt two hands lift me from under my armpits until I was secure in the arms of what must've been none other than Scarly.

She held me with one arm under my bottom and the other cupping my head against her neck. She walked a little away from where I fell, and started rocking us obviously trying to calm me. Suddenly the initial moment ended and I began to hear the noise around me, including the coos of the people who witnessed my fall and most clearly the soft voice of Scarly. My Scarly.

'You're ok love. It was just a small tumble. You're ok. You're ok.' She assured me. I slowly calmed down snuggling into the comfort of her embrace. She was right. I was ok. It was just a lot all at once and I wasn't sure how to react.

'There we go. You're ok, baby.' She continued, 'Todays been a long day. I think we're just a little more tired than we thought.'

Definitely. I'm way more sleepy than I thought. I blame her. It seems that every time I'm with her I'm sleepy. Maybe it's because I feel safe but I'm not sure. (Girl you're 5 stop being so deep and smart)

After a couple minutes I calmed down enough for us to continue walking. I played with Scarly's necklace as we walked before I noticed the change in lighting as we entered a store.

'Why don't we go find a friend for BoBo? I think you deserve a little souvenir for your first trip to the zoo.' Scarly suggested. I nodded against her neck not feeling like talking. We walked over to a wall of stuffies and she stood sideways so I could see without moving. 

'What're you thinking, lovey?' She asked as I looked at all the options. I didn't see anything I like, well anything I really liked. I shrugged in response and she sighed moving to look in a different area of the wall. Still nothing.

'Look, baby, it's one of your favorites!' Rosie said while running up to us. In her hand, she held a cute raffe stuffie. It was perfect. I reached for it and she happily gave it to me.

'I picked a flamingo one, another one of your favorites.' She informed me showing the pink mingo.

'Is this the one, honey?' Scarly asked me and I looked at the stuffie in my hands before nodding.

'Ok, then I'll go pay for these. Why don't you guys head to the car and I'll meet you there?' Daddy said while grabbing the stuffies from Rosie and I. I pouted when he took it but he only told me I'd get it back soon. Scarly took the keys from him and we walked out heading towards the car. I kinda of zoned out with the loads of thoughts running through my head.

A/N: this is a lot shorter, but I think I'll have another chapter up later since I missed last week. Which sorry about that btw I was sick and completely not up to ding anything. Anyways I'm not a fan of this chapter but the next one should be good so I hope you still enjoyed. Feel free to send any suggestions or ideas for future chapters as I'm running out of ideas quick. But see you in the next one,
EJ <3

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