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Carter's POV:
We walked around for a while, going from animal to animal, and I am completely positive that this might be my favorite place I've ever been. All of the animals are so cute and it's so cool getting to see them in real life. We've seen like twenty different animals and we've been walking for what feels like forever, to my legs at least, but I'm too busy thinking about what we might see next.

'Oh, Carter, you're gonna love this one!,' Rosie squeals from beside me. Oh yeah. We've been walking together the whole time and she hasn't let go of my hand yet. I've learned that I actually really like Rosie and she's been a pretty cool big sissy.

'What is it?' I ask her while she speeds up our pace walking towards the railing.

'You'll see!' She tells me, letting me know it's a surprise. We get to the railing and it's different from the last one. A lot of the eggbits, I think that's what Scarly called them, have different railings which is kinda fun. The only problem is this one is thicker, like trees stacked on each other, so I can't see anything.

'Aren't they so big and cool?'Rosie asks me while she looks over the railing at who knows what. Well I don't know what, everyone else seems to know.

'I can't see.' I pout at her. She turns finally looking at me.

'Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot you're smaller than me.' She apologizes.

'I wanna see too! Please, sissy!' I ask her.

Her face lights up a little but I'm not sure why and she thinks for a moment. 'Can I pick you up? That way we can both see.'

I nod at her, and she lets go of my hand leaning down slightly to pick me up. She quickly adjusts so her hands are holding me from under my bottom and steps closer to the railing.

'Now try, you should be high enough.' She tells me and sure enough I can look over the railing. I gasp in shock and squeal hugging around her neck.

'Look, Rosie! They're elphants!' I squeal pointing at the big, gray animals.

'I know baby. They're pretty cool, huh?' She giggles at me. I nod my head furiously with a big smile on my face. As I look at the animals, I can't help but think about when Scary asked what I wanted to see. I know she didn't promise me that we'd get to see them, but a part of me was happy, believing that she would never let me down.

We stared at the elphants for a couple minutes as Rosie told me some facts about them. Whether I knew it or not, I was tired from the walking and excitement, so I found myself resting my head against Rosie's as she talked. My arms were wrapped loosely around her neck and my legs dangled at her sides. It was nice. Maybe this won't be so bad. I just hope they won't leave.

Eventually, Rose walked away, and headed to wherever, I'm not sure, I was still trying to look at the animals. At some point she stopped walking though, so I just rested my chin on her shoulder since i wouldn't see any animals.

'Rose, why are you holding her?' Someone asked.

'Because she couldn't see and I'm super strong so I can use my big muscles to carry her.' She explained.

'I don't know, love. Carter can walk. She's got her own two feet.' They said.

'But Mama. I feel fine. She's not heavy at all and I like carrying her. Plus, we're both comfy.' Rose argued.

'Is that right?' They asked.

'Uh huh,' rose agreed, 'Right, Carter?'

At the sound of my name I turned around leaning my head against Rosie's and looked up, meeting Scarly's eyesight.

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